Those who didn’t vote ANC must shut up on GNU issues – Mkhize

Sizophila Mkhize, the firebrand member of the KwaZulu-Natal ANC provincial executive committee (PEC), has unleashed a tirade against ANC detractors who are de-campaigning the party.

“Those who left us in the forest have no right to ask what the wolves did to us,” said Mkhize on her TikTok account.

She was reacting to the backlash following the formation of the Government of Unity (GNU). In it, the ANC is accused of selling out. This due to its decision to endorse the DA as the main partner in the new pact.

But Mkhize, who was once touted as the next president of the ANC Youth League, said the ANC was generous. This is because it reached out to those who actively campaigned for its electoral demise.

ANC has been generous to its decampaigners

“The ANC has been so generous, reaching out to people who wanted it done and gone. They made themselves unavailable for the ANC. Some came with outlandish demands,” she said.

She uttered what appeared as a jab to the ANC splinter grouping uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) party. Mkhize said if the party thought it enjoyed hegemony among voters, it should have acquired a majority in all provinces and the national assembly.

The Nkandla, northern KwaZulu-Natal hinterland-born Mkhize is no stranger to controversy and ruffling feathers. In the aftermath of the 2021 July riots, the government and political leadership was accused of downplaying the Phoenix murders during the 2021 July unrest. Over 300 people were mercilessly killed in vigilante groupings. This was on the pretense that they were safeguarding their properties from being looted.

“I think I’ll repeat what I said in July last year: that we have a leadership crisis in South Africa. We do not have people who are honest to themselves or to us as South Africans,” said Mkhize.

No stranger to speaking out

She accused her own leaders in the ANC of shielding racists.

“I don’t think what happened in Phoenix should have been downplayed in the manner that it was. And I do not know why some leaders are running away from calling it a massacre,” said Mkhize at the time. She was speaking in a wide-ranging interview with Sunday World.

Mkhize did not stop there. She also wanted an audit conducted in eThekwini metro. The audit was to probe which race received the highest number of municipal contracts. She said people of Indian descent had been amassing reaches at the expense of black people.

The ANC’s support plummeted to a dismal 40% nationally, a first since democratic elections on 1994. In KwaZulu-Natal, it slumped to third place after the IFP. And its mediocre showing was salvaged through the partnership arrangement, with the IFP, DA and the NFP. It secured three cabinet posts as a result.

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    You cannot dictate to us as to when and what to say about the ANC. This is also our party and be careful that You have become so autocratic and try to control our opinions, which is contrary to the spirit and intention of the ANC’s formation as well as the Constitution provisions. Having voted and not voted You cannot dictated our views. The downfall of the ANC is caused by attitude of individuals such as You.


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