ANALYSIS | How Lesufi created enemies within ANC and outside

The day is May 25, 2024, on a scorching Saturday afternoon at Africa’s biggest stadium, FNB, south of Johannesburg. And the ANC is having its last push rally before the watershed elections.

This scribe was standing right at the centre of the field as the national chairperson of the oldest liberation movement in Africa, Gwede Mantashe, was directing the Siyanqoba Rally programme.

In front of the approximately 70, 000 strong ANC supporters who struggled through the heat with only toilet sink water to quench their thirst, Mantashe was introducing speaker after speaker.

As is tradition, after the “faith-based leader” jamboree that kickstarts such events, it was quickly followed by messages of support from alliance partners and ANC Leagues.

And then it was time for the host province chairperson to take the podium for the welcoming address.

From where this scribe was positioned, the applause and ululations felt like the stadium’s roof was collapsing.

Lukewarm applause for Cyril

Immediately thereafter, ANC head Cyril Ramaphosa took to the stage for the main address. And his applause was mild at best, and lukewarm at worst, compared to Lesufi’s.

That evening, this journalist texted one of the Gauteng ANC leaders. He was cautioning them that Lesufi’s problems from within the ANC started that day.

The party on the other side downplayed this. But this journalist who has years of experience covering ANC politics persisted. He insisted that attempts will be made to bring down such a popular man ahead of the 2027 ANC conference.

The political developments of this week at Pixley Seme Street in Joburg city centre are the case in point. They are but the beginning of what this reporter saw coming five months ago already.

The race towards 2027 has begun. And Lesufi, who as expected, has publicly denied on several occasions that he is interested in the ANC’s ultimate throne, must be tamed.

Why? Because at the administration hot seat of the party seats another man, Fikile Mbalula. With ambitions for the ANC top job.

It was thus no coincidence that it was Mbalula who summoned Lesufi for a grilling before the national officials on Monday.

Warning shot at Lesufi

This was political intimidation and a warning shot at Lesufi. That standing in the way of Mbalula’s march to the top would be met with brute force.

Those who have contested Mbalula or his proxies before will tell you how merciless he is against political competition.

But even if Lesufi does not contest Mbalula directly, he is still seen as an obstacle. Because of perceptions that he is an extension of Deputy President Paul Mashatile. And an extension of Mbalula’s deputy, Nomvula Mokonyane.

Mashatile, as is ANC tradition, is expected to contest for the top job come 2027. And ANC Gauteng, led by Lesufi, is expected to back him should Lesufi not go for it himself.

Mbalula’s manoeuvre against Lesufi this week comes on the heels of the DA’s spirited campaign to malign and discredit Lesufi. Albeit for different reasons than those of the Luthuli House boss.

The DA’s top brass is still in shock at how the ANC Gauteng PEC, under Lesufi’s stewardship, managed to form a provincial government without the DA in it.

After what the ANC Gauteng PEC deemed as ridiculous demands from the blue party in sharing the spoils in the provincial executive council, the negotiations collapsed.

South Africa now knows, thanks to Helen Zille, that the DA was demanding the powerful health and education portfolios. Despite not being the leading party.

An entitled DA was hoping that the collapse of the negotiations would spell disaster for Lesufi and his PEC. Given that EFF and MK Party were not part of the GNU, Lesufi’s political mastery left them in awe.

Lesufi’s checkmate move

Lesufi would pull a checkmate move. That was when, despite an official working arrangement, he managed to get DA’s worst enemies, EFF and MKP. The two parties supported his government and vote with the ANC. The vote was to pass the budget and other critical issues in the provincial legislature.

This left the DA leadership seething with anger. Especially after convincing the ANC national leadership into the coalition government branded as a GNU. They will not rest until they see Lesufi’s backside.

Another long-standing enemy of Lesufi’s that is desperately trying to exploit the DA-driven negative wave against the Gauteng Premier is Afrikaner interests lobby group AfriForum.

Their beef with Lesufi is historical and dates to his time as education MEC in Gauteng. This was characterised by his commitment to level the education playing field for all.

AfriForum beef with Lesufi

His recent advocacy for the Basic Education Laws Amendment (Bela) Bill to be signed into law is case in point. It was the final straw that broke the camel’s back for AfriForum.

Among other things, the Bill seeks various reforms. Among other things, it seeks to compel schools that used Afrikaans as the only medium of instruction to introduce other languages as well. Ramaphosa signed the Bill into law, albeit with some provisions.

AfriForum does not want this, for theirs is to protect Afrikanerdom by any means necessary.

Surrounded by wolves from multiple fronts, it remains to be seen how long Lesufi will remain standing. But he has mastered the art of being on the side of the masses, which his opponents mock as populism. He might just survive to see the ANC national conference 2027 and beyond.

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