ANC mayor fingered in Supply Chain manager recruitment saga

The controversial mayor of Matatiele Municipality has been implicated in another scandal. This time in the recruitment of the head of Supply Chain Management (SCM).

Sonwabile Mngenela, who is also Alfred Nzo regional executive committee member of the ANC, allegedly told his comrade – Matatiele sub-regional secretary Mnangwe Jula, to withdraw his name from the race.

According to Jula, in a letter he wrote to secretary-general Fikile Mbalula and his counterparts in the Eastern Cape and Alfred Nzo, Mngenela said he could not be trusted to toe the line of illegal instructions.

The complainant told Mbalula and Lulama Ngcukayitobi that Mngenela had turned the municipality into his “private property”. He is doing as he pleases and cutting corners at every turn.

Instructed to withdraw from SCM race interviews

“I have reported today (September 24) to the ordinary meeting of the ANC at the level of the sub-region that the mayor called me into a meeting. This in my capacity as the sub-regional secretary. He informed me that I must recuse myself from the process of the interview for the post of the SCM Manager. [This is] in Matatiele Local Municipality. And this is due to the fact that he does not trust me that I will be able to champion his interest in that position,” wrote Jula.

“The position is now earmarked for a particular lady who is currently working for the municipality under supply chain management and fleet unit (I am willing to disclose the name of the candidate upon request) who will be able to take his instructions and advance his interest.”

The mayor apparently told Jula that he has a different position reserved for him in the same municipality. But the latter has turned down the offer.

Said Jula: “He is going to give me the EPWP Manager post as soon as it becomes available. As a result, tomorrow (September 25) I am not going to attend the interviews. These are taking place in his municipality.

“In light of the above, I have consciously decided not to legitimise an illegitimate and illegal process. Because I strongly believe that this process violates the spirit of the constitution of the Republic. And it is totally against what the ANC stands for.”

Mngenela denied Jula’s claims, calling them unfounded.

Allegations ‘unfounded’

“Those allegations are unfounded. Remember we are in a political environment. So such propaganda might be created,” said Mngenela in his defence.

If Mbalula and Ngcukayitobi are interested, Jula told them he is willing to sing like a canary. He is willing to expose all shenanigans Mngenela had been engaging in since assuming the position.

Jula said Mngenela’s conduct was bringing the ANC into disrepute. It is dragging the already battered name of the organisation in the mud, he charged.

“If given an opportunity to report on other scandalous matters that are soon going to collapse the municipality and subsequently tarnish the image of the ANC as it is an ANC-led municipality, I am more than ready to make such a report.”

Mayor’s controversial security tender

Mngenela is the same mayor who, three months ago, was a subject of a security services tender worth R68-million. 

At the time, Mngenela stunned municipal workers on the day the interdicted contract was awarded. He rocked up at the workplace accompanied by rifle-wielding men from the appointed company.

Mbalula and Ngcukayitobi could not be reached for comment. ANC Alfred Nzo regional secretary Polelo Mohale said he will respond later. His comment will be added when he does respond.

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