ANC mayor tells contractor: ‘Only me can make things happen’

The ongoing chaos and factionalism in the troubled Matatiele local municipality have reached a new low.

This time an audio call recording between the controversial mayor of the municipality, Sonwabile Mngenela and a KZN businessman, Mthokozisi Khuzwayo, has been leaked.

Leaked recording

In the recording, Mngenela is heard flexing his muscle and telling Khuzwayo to stop wasting his time with “those young boys”.

Instead, Mngenela charges in the conversation, which we have heard, that Khuzwayo must align with him if he wants his business to flourish.

Mngenela, in the conversation, calls himself the “head of state” of the Matatiele municipality. Then he also boasts that nothing happens without him saying so.

He described his political opponents in the municipality, such as ANC Matatiele sub-regional secretary Mnangwe Jula. He said they are just wasting their time, and any contractor who listens to them is foolish.

Khuzwayo resumes the conversation: “My leader, I am confused. Do you remember when you said the security contract was predetermined for someone?”

Mngenela responds: “Yes, I do remember. I said to you that if you want anything, you must come to me, and we talk about it.

‘Young boys who have their own agenda, which will not succeed’

“But on this one (the security tender), I have noticed that there are young boys who have their own agenda. Which will not succeed.

“But you must come to me, and we talk about it. Because we have worked well together before when you were assisting us in the sub-region and in the women’s league. And therefore there are many other things we will still consider you for.”

Khuzwayo was the subcontractor in the security services contract of the municipality, which ended in September.

Mngenela allegedly pushed for a certain company to come in for the next three years. However, the previous service provider interdicted that process. And the matter is due for oral arguments in court in December.

In the call recording, Mngenela said Khuzwayo would have still been considered for the security tender. But blames “these young boys who messed up.”

He tells Khuzwayo that “these young boys,” including ANC Matatiele sub-regional secretary Mnangwe Jula, knew that the security tender was earmarked for someone but tried to circumvent that.

‘I am the head of state here’

“These boys are coming to you to brainwash you. And I am the head of state of this municipality,and the only one who can make things happen.

“I have told you we must meet and talk because you are like a brother to me now. Leave those young boys who keep calling you and are making you weak,” says Mngenela.

“Those boys do not have power, Khuzwayo, and you must avoid them because you are not at their level.”

Khuzwayo complains to Mngenela about business he was promised but did not materialise. In response the mayor insists, “You are being played by young boys who do not know politics.”

A defeated Khuzwayo changes tact and asks directly, “Now, my leader, this thing of your factions. When is it being resolved, because it is hurting us as subcontractors?”

Mngenela tells him he is not responsible for factionalism. Which he blames on people who broke rank with him seeking to run their own things.

“Leave those young boys, I repeat, because they will make you weak. I am the mayor of this municipality, and if you want something, you come to me, and we talk about it like men,” Mngenela assures Khuzwayo.

“For instance, this Mnangwe [Jula] character, we went to Mthatha at the invitation of the PEC. And we resolved how to do things [give which tender to who]. But when we came back, he was doing his own thing despite not having power in all the tender committees. He goes around making empty promises and extorting businesspeople.”

Khuzwayo tells Mngenela to lay down the law as the mayor. To which he responds by saying Mnangwe is difficult to control because he leads the sub-region as ANC secretary. And that he behaves like he has all the power.

War between Mngenela and Mnangwe 

The war between Mngenela and Mnangwe has taken many interesting turns. These include Mnangwe telling the ANC provincial leadership and Luthuli House that it was the mayor who told him to withdraw his name for interviews to become head of procurement for the municipality.

The ANC is probing that allegation.

Mnangwe confirmed to have listened to the audio recording of “His Worship Councillor”, Mngenela, and Khuzwayo’s conversation “many times”.

He, however, refused to comment on the merits. He cited ANC internal processes.
Mngenela and Khuzwayo did not respond to questions at the time of writing.

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