BLF throws its weight behind Zuma’s uMkhonto weSizwe

Former president Jacob Zuma’s political party uMkhonto weSizwe has received full voting support from the Black First Land First (BLF) movement ahead of the general elections.

This was announced by Andile Mngxitama, the leader of BLF, who stated that the movement shares a common vision with the MK Party.

The parties sealed an endorsement agreement on Tuesday during their meeting at Nkandla, a town in the uThungulu district in KwaZulu-Natal and Zuma’s stronghold.

Mngxitama said after discussions that lasted two hours on the possibility of cooperating in the 2024 vote, they realised the agreement would be historic because the BLF will offer all its votes to the MK Party.

“The BLF and the MK Party share a lot ideologically. Both parties believe in the policy of radical economic transformation,” said Mngxitama.

“The return of land is a paramount policy for both parties. The BLF believes that the MK Party presents an exciting possibility for a radical future.”

Liberation aspirations betrayed

Mngxitama has shown full support of Zuma’s political formation since its launch.

He also shared that the move by the former statesman to form the party party is an indication that the ruling ANC is losing support as people “have realised the betrayed liberation aspirations of the black majority”.

“It’s indeed an opportune time for all the progressive forces to band together and remove the ANC from power while keeping the Democratic Alliance from power.

“We need a united front of progressive people and organisations towards the 2024 national elections.

Former ANC secretary-general-turned-president of the African Congress for Transformation (ACT), Ace Magashule, this week announced that his party would join forces with the MK Party to increase its visibility in KwaZulu-Natal.

He said this is a strategic alliance that will put a dent on the ANC, but emphasised that while the parties are looking to form more partnerships, the ACT will independently contest the upcoming elections.

The Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC) has also shown interest in joining forces with the MK Party after it announced that PAC president Mzwanele Nyhontso will meet with Zuma to discuss an alliance.

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