DA demands investigation into nepotism in R17m reservoir contract

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in the Free State is demanding an investigation into the failed R17-million reservoir contract. The contract was linked to nepotism after the contractor was found to be related to the mayor.

The Nketoana Local Municipality allegedly appointed Little Rocky and Baleleri Ba Africa JV to construct a 3ML concrete reservoir at Lerapo Primary School in Alington. However, it was later discovered that the Baleleri Ba Africa director was related to the mayor, Mamiki Mokoena.

The appointment was made in March 2023, yet only 10% progress had been made by June 30, 2024.

Contractor related to mayor

Diphapang Mofokeng, DA councillor in Nketoana, stated that the contractors should have been penalised for non-performance and potentially faced termination due to such delays.

“It is clear that the contractor, benefiting from a personal relationship with the mayor, has not faced the required penalties. While other contractors have been held accountable for similar delays.

“The DA calls on the municipal manager to immediately launch an investigation into the procurement process that led to the appointment of this contractor. This is including any declarations made regarding conflicts of interest,” said Mofokeng.

He also demanded a full investigation into the reservoir project and its lack of progress.

Mofokeng said  failure to launch the probe would subject the municipality to continued corruption and nepotism.

Parents complained about health hazard

The reservoir project failed after the school received complaints from parents about the excessive dust from the excavation. They feared that learners might inhale and end up with health problems.

In a letter from the school, the municipality was informed that construction should not continue. This considering that the school had accepted the request to build this community reservoir without consulting parents.

The letter also explained that Lerapo Primary School was approached by councillor Godfrey Nhlapo. He requested that the municipality build a reservoir to benefit the community. And the school agreed without signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

Threat to health and wellbeing of staff, pupils

Problems erupted when the project began to pose a danger to the school and took longer than expected. According to the letter, seen by Sunday World, only 20% progress was made by the time the letter was drafted.

“There is a threat to life created by the excavation done for such a long time without warning signs. No form of protection from the holes [dug up].

“The consistent change of personnel by the contractor poses a serious security risk to the school staff and scholars. Based on the above, you are hereby directed to immediately cease all operations on the school premises. Close the holes that have been dug, and move the project to another location,” reads the letter in part.

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