Factional fights from Commission for Gender Equality spills into parliament

Johannesburg – The factional fights plaguing the Commission for Gender Equality (CGE) have spilled over into parliament.

Open warfare has erupted in the Chapter Nine institution following the suspension of popular gender activist Mbuyiselo Botha from the commission.

Botha was suspended after he was heard attacking the commission’s chairperson, Tamara Mathebula, and fellow commissioner Nomasonto Mazibuko, whom he also referred to as an albino during a conversation with an associate.

In the latest drama, a part-time commissioner, Busisiwe Deyi, has written to the National Assembly Speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula complaining that there has been interference with the independence of the commission by the portfolio committee for women, youth, children, and persons with disabilities.

Deyi alleges that the committee’s chairperson, Nonhlanhla Ndaba, has been meddling in the appointment of staff members.

“Ms Deyi alleges that the portfolio committee has interfered in the appointment of staff members of the CGE … and has created an environment within the CGE wherein commissioners are of the view that they have to consult the portfolio committee before they can make decisions,” the Centre for Applied Legal Studies wrote on behalf of Deyi.

Tamara Mathebula

“Our client is concerned that the hiring processes of the CGE have become subject to the control, review and approval of the committee chairperson.

“The portfolio committee, primarily led by its chairperson [Ndaba], has commented upon and at times instructed the CGE to make particular decisions in discharging its administrative functions.”

Deyi alleged that Ndaba has gone as far as setting dates as to when staff appointments must be made and requiring feedback on the progress of the appointments.

Ndaba raised the issue of the hiring of personal assistants for both Mazibuko and Botha.

“Once this matter was raised before the portfolio committee, the portfolio committee chairperson took it upon herself to inquire about the employment processes regularly and even set a timeline and deadline within which she required the hiring process to be fi nalised.

“The chairperson’s conduct was ultra vires as it went beyond her oversight duties by encroaching on the CGE’s administrative responsibilities,” she said.

However, one of the commissioners said the attack on Ndaba is part of a fightback campaign that seeks to portray the commission as dysfunctional. The source said the commission has also been a target of ANC groupings who want it to make adverse findings against certain leaders and some civil society groups who want to control it.

“There is no interference. Parliament wants us to account,” the commissioner said.

Ndaba and parliament’s spokesperson Moloto Mothapo had not responded to requests for comment at the time of going to press.

Nomasonto Mazibuko

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