HPCSA ombudsman Kwinda suspended over misconduct

Johannesburg – The Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) suspended its controversial ombudsman Dr Munyadziwa Kwinda.

The suspension happened two weeks after Sunday World published an article in which  Nkhensane Ditshego, the secretary of National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union at  HPCSA – wrote to the president of the regulatory  Professor Simon Nemutandani, to lay a complaint against Kwinda and HPCSA council member Professor Nobelungu Ngoloyi-Mekwa

Ditshego alleged that Kwinda and Ngoloyi-Mekwa are the owners of the company called South African Institute of Healthcare Managers, which provides continuing professional development activities to health practitioners registered with the HPCSA for a fee.

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In a letter of suspension, seen by Sunday World and penned by the acting registrar of the HPCSA Melissa De Graaff, she said that Kwinda was placed on precautionary suspension with full pay.

The suspension reads in part: “The letter dated 13 September 2021, notifying you of the intention to suspend you with full pay bears reference.

In view of the prejudice that would be suffered as a result of your continued presence at work, we deem it appropriate to suspend you with immediate effect.”

Kwinda was asked to hand in the keys to his office and not enter the HPCSA premises without approval from the registrar.

When contacted for comment, Kwinda referred Sunday World to the HPCSA.

HPCSA spokesperson Christopher Tsatsawane  said: “As previously indicated, both these allegations are being investigated and subsequently we will not make any comment on these matters.”

Ditshego said Nehawu would be watching the HPCSA to  ensure that the investigation and disciplinary inquiry on Kwinda was not deliberately botched.

“We are concerned that Prof Ngoloyi-Mekwa, a co-director with Dr Kwinda …  seems not to have been suspended.”

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