Maine, Legoete accused of interference
Former ANC Youth League president and ANC national executive committee member Collen Maine and ANC spokesman Dakota Legoete were rejected by the North West ANC provincial executive committee (PEC) after they tried to impose their own candidate to be appointed as mayor of Mamusa municipality, allegedly on claims that it was a national working committee (NWC) decision.
Sunday World can reveal that Maine and Legoete barged into a provincial working committee meeting of the ANC in North West two weeks ago, where the provincial leaders were discussing the appointment of the mayor of Mamusa, the municipality that was recently won by the governing party during a by-election.
According to two PEC members who attended the meeting, Legoete and Maine had claimed to have been sent by ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule to communicate the NWC decision that Rashid Kathrada, one of the PR councillors in Mamusa, be appointed as mayor of the Vryburg-based municipality.
However, it has emerged that the two ANC NEC members’ instruction was rejected by the ANC leaders in the province, with some accusing Maine and Legoete of trying to hijack the
municipality’s mayorship from the community.
Sunday World understands that the discussions about the mayorship were so heated that the provincial coordinator, Tlomane Chauke, contacted ANC deputy secretary-general Jessie Duarte to confirm claims by Maine and Legoete.
It is said that Duarte dismissed Maine and Legoete’s claims, allegedly indicating that the NWC never discussed the matter.
The two PEC members revealed that upon arrival the two NEC members demanded that Kathrada, who was number five on the ANC PR councillor list, be moved to number one to allow for his appointment as mayor.
But those working closely with Chauke said the councillors refused to have their names relegated on the PR list to make way for Kathrada, and the ANC was rescued by the community who made it clear that they wanted one of their own as mayor.
“We had to convene the PR councillors a er the PWC meeting to convince them to agree to have their names demoted on the list to make way for Kathrada, but they refused,” said one
PEC member. As a result of the consultation common ground was reached, and Doctor Batli was appointed to the position. Maine confirmed that he and Legoete were caught up in the
dramatic discussions about the mayorship of Mamusa, but he denied that they tried to impose their own candidate.
“We were sent by the SG to communicate the NWC position. Those provincial members don’t sit in NWC meetings, but we do,” he said.
Maine confirmed that he was part of the meeting with the community that decided to appoint Batli as mayor.
Chauke confirmed that Maine and Legoete attended their PWC meeting but said none of their views prevailed because the ANC already had an agreement with the community
about who to appoint as mayor.
Legoete read but did not respond to questions sent to him.
By Aubrey Mothombeni
Mayoral candidate rejected