Mbalula warns ANC leaders: Don’t fall for EFF manipulation

ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula says ANC leaders who get the opportunity to discuss politics with EFF leaders must not fall for the manipulation of the red beret brigade.

Mbalula said the narrative that the EFF was a better option for coalition with the ANC because it was a “black party” was sponsored from Winnie Mandela House.

What puzzles Mbalula is when ANC people start internalising this as their own concept and arguing from that perspective.

The Luthuli House boss believes EFF “gossip” within the ANC structure is ripe and toxic, and must be avoided.

Mbalula said ANC leaders and members were duty-bound to defend the government of national unity (GNU) resolution. He urged them to cease being manipulated by the red berets.

EFF bitter that they lost at recent elections

“EFF lied to the people of South Africa and said they were a government in waiting. So, they went into the elections with high hopes that things were going well for them,” Mbalula told Sunday World.

“But when we did not back them, and instead moved away and implemented what we agreed to implement, they became vindictive.

“That is how they started going around trying to convince some ANC leaders that the EFF is the best option. The reality is that they are not the best option. When Julius (Malema) has a chance to work with the ANC, he becomes spiteful. And just before elections Floyd (Shibamvu) said we must be unplugged everywhere from power.”

Mbalula said EFF leaders were attacking him because he was bold enough to tell them the truth.

This after Malema last week told SABC News that Mbalula did not like them the same way he did not like Malusi Gibaba.

Resorting to using black party excuse

“The EFF was overconfident, and they said a lot of things that no one is interested to hold them accountable to. Now they want me to fall for their ‘we are a black party’ blackmail, I will not do that.

“Actually, their so-called blackness is bogus. The EFF are known sellouts when it suits them.”

Mbalula said it was the same Malema who told him  that there was nothing wrong with working with DA. He said this after the 2016 local government polls.

Malema supported DA collaboration in 2016

“The man told me point blank in my face. He said that we the ANC cannot say anything because we were the first to work with the National Party in 1994. Today he has changed and is accusing us of selling out for working with the DA.”

According to Mbalula, the EFF had longed for a GNU themselves. But their numbers were not numbering after the May 29 polls.

“The EFF wanted a GNU in this country without the ANC. When the election results came out in the way they did, they lost altogether in what they were aiming for. Ba ngaphandle (they are outside),” he said.

“We cannot therefore be seen to be falling for their manipulative ways.”

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