The agreement to form a government of national unity (GNU) championed by the DA had placed the fate of the inclusion of Umkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party and EFF should they wish to do so later, in the hands of the DA.
This is according to the statement of intent that the parties in the NGU have signed, which stipulates that an inclusion of new parties later be agreed by all.
The DA has been steadfast in making its views known that it wants nothing to do with an alliance where the ANC, MK and EFF are in the same bed.
Mission to break the ANC’s dominance
MK and EFF are the babies of the ANC as breakaway parties. And some believe the three parties would effectively be the ANC reuniting. This would in turn collapse the mission of the opposition parties: to break the dominance of the ANC.
ANC, MK and EFF amount to 64% of the electoral support and national assembly makeup.
The statement of intent suggests that since the MK and EFF have been excluded, the ANC, on its own, cannot decide to bring them in without the concurrence of the DA.
“In keeping with the spirit of an inclusive GNU, it is agreed that the composition shall be discussed and agreed upon amongst the existing parties. Whenever new parties desire to be part of the GNU,” reads the GNU agreement.
Amendments to be discussed and agreed upon
“Amendments to this document must be agreed to by sufficient consensus.”
The document also lays out the modalities of the GNU. This includes what constitutes a consensus and mechanisms to break a deadlock.
Among other modalities, the parties to the GNU shall also establish dispute resolution or deadlock-breaking mechanisms. This is in instances where sufficient consensus is not reached.
There is sufficient consensus that even when some parties do not agree, whatever issue is at the table will proceed. So long as everyone is given enough opportunity to air their views. Also sufficient steps are taken to convince them.
Parties should raise disputes within the mechanisms created for this purpose.
“The parties recognise established government and cabinet protocols in decision-making. And the formulation of the budget,” reads the agreement.
GNU Consultations Council
Parties to this agreement will form a GNU Consultations Council. The council will be responsible for consultations and monitoring progress on the GNU’s minimum programme. Also progress on the alignment of the 7th administration’s programme, its resourcing, and implementation mechanisms.”
As it relates to positions in the national government, the parties agreed that it is the prerogative of the president. Although the president will have to consult with leaders of other parties.
The GNU parties have agreed that the ANC will take the positions of president and speaker. The DA takes deputy speaker, while the IFP takes the position of Chair of Chairs.