Nehawu says no to ministry of electricity

The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (Nehawu) has condemned the announcement of a minister of electricity, saying there is already a department and minister.

“This seems to be a continuation of using the state to address party factional divisions and thereby ballooning the executive, which is already too bloated.”

In a statement on Friday, responding to the State of the Nation Adress (Sona), which took place at the Cape Town City Hall on Thursday evening, Nehawu said it lacked a comprehensive vision and a detailed plan to take the country and its people out of this depressing situation Instead, the president said the same old promises and nothing new or inspiring.

“We note the declaration of a State of Disaster to respond to the electricity crisis and its effects. In this regard, the national union calls on the government to put in place measures that will ensure that public funds and resources are not looted and squandered as we witnessed during the Covid-19 State of Disaster.”

Nehawu stated that they noted the pronouncement on the restructuring of Eskom to ensure the establishment of a transmission company, the implementation of the just energy transition programme, and the establishment of the SOE Holding Company.

“We reiterate our rejection of the ‘structural reforms’ in energy, rail and ports as nothing but a Neoliberal attempt to bring capital into the public sector of utilities [use-values or public goods]. We oppose the attempt to create private sector monopolies in the delivery of public goods, which are not supposed to be profitable commodities. We condemn the disdain of the ANC resolution on the position of Eskom to play a leading role in the building of renewable energy,” said the union.

Nehawu has since demanded the immediate transition to the Basic Income Grant instead of the current fragment and administratively costly grants system including the SRD Grant (Social Relief of Distress Grant).

“As Nehawu, we strongly believe that the transition to a universal basic income grant will provide our people with dignified livelihoods and social protection.

“With ever-growing vacancies in the public service and worse in the public health system, we are disappointed that the president has failed to mention anything about filling vacancies. As Nehawu, we demand the filling of vacancies to capacitate the state to deliver services to the people.”

In conclusion, the union said it notes the commitment by the president to achieving a better Africa and a better world.

“In this regard, we demand SA as the leading member of the SADC Troika to mobilise and lead the campaign in SADC and the AU to isolate the despot [eSwatini King] Mswati for the atrocities committed in Swaziland and further call for the extradition and prosecution of mercenaries.”

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