NFP looks set to clinch eDumbe Local Municipality

Johannesburg – Although the final results have not been released by the IEC, the NFP says it has already clinched eDumbe local council in KwaZulu-Natal.

The IFP splinter party on Tuesday said it had won the majority of wards in the council previously governed by the ANC.

“The numbers show that we have already won the eDumbe municipality. This is good news for us. We also believe that the NFP will have a councillor in all municipalities in KZN,” said party secretary Canaan Mdletshe.

Political analysts had predicted that the party would be relegated to the political periphery following the passing of its leader Zanele kaMagwaza – Msibi.

In 2011, the NFP started like a house on fire claiming the status of kingmaker in various hung municipalities in KwaZulu-Natal. The party entered into a coalition agreement with the ANC which saw the two parties co-governing in 19 councils.

The NFP’s success was however thwarted by non-participation in the 2016 municipal elections after being disqualified following failure to make payment to the electoral body in time. This was made worse by the sudden sickness of their late charismatic leader kaMagwaza Msibi who suffered a stroke which restricted her movement.

The party was also confronted by internal rifts including various court cases lodged by senior members deligimatising the national leadership.

Apart from eDumbe local municipality, the party also has strong showing in the Nongoma local municipality.

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