Ramaphosa cracks the whip on security cluster following unrest in SA

Johannesburg – President Cyril Ramaphosa finally reshuffled his cabinet cracking the whip on the security cluster following the poor handling of the recent unrest in the country.

Ramaphosa dumped Defence and Military Veterans Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa- Nqakula and State Security Minister Ayanda Dlodlo after the wake of the violence that swept through KwaZulu Natal and Gauteng, leading to the death of over 350 people and billions in losses due to the looting of malls and warehouses, among others.

Mapisa-Nqakula was redeployed to be Speaker of the National Assembly while Dlodlo has been shifted back to the public service and administration.

Mapisa-Nqakula was replaced former ANC deputy secretary and North West premier Thandi Modise, who was the Speaker of National Assembly.

Ramaphosa scrapped the State Security department and collapsed it into the Presidency, where it would now be led by Dladla’s former deputy and former ANC spokesperson, Zizi Kodwa.

However, the president retained Police Minister Bheki Cele, an ally who commands political support in KwaZulu Natal, the ANC’s biggest province.

The move seemed to be a political ploy to soften the blow on the removal of health minister Zweli Mkhize, another powerful leader from KZN, replacing him with his deputy Joe Phaahla.

“Three weeks have passed since the country experienced an orchestrated campaign of public violence, destruction and sabotage. I wish to once again commend the brave actions of our security forces on the ground, who were faced with a difficult situation and exercised commendable restraint to prevent any loss of life or further escalation,” Ramaphosa said.

“While calm has been restored to the affected areas and our law enforcement agencies are working hard to bring those responsible to justice, we have acknowledged that our security services were found wanting in several respects,” he added.

The other two big changes occurred in the Finance Ministry, where the president let go of former Governor of the Reserve Bank Tito Mboweni, replacing him with his ally and ANC chairperson of economic transformation, Enoch Godogwana.

Mboweni’s departure was set to please the ANC tripartite alliance partners, SACP and Cosatu, who accused the former governor of pushing an agenda against workers.

Ramaphosa also broke the departments of human settlement and Water and Sanitation into two.

He appointed Mmamoloko Kubayi and Senzo Mcunu as ministers of the departments respectively, after dumping Lindiwe Sisulu.

Former acting minister in the presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni replaces Stell Ndabeni as minister of communications and digital technology. Former deputy minister of finance Mondli Gungubele made a come back as minister in the presidency, replacing the late Jackson Mthembu.

Ramaphosa retained minister of mineral resources Gwede Mantashe, the chairperson of the ANC and minister of higher education Blade Nzimande, who is the general secretary of the SACP.

The new deputies include:

The Presidency: Ms Pinky Kekana will come in as a second Deputy Minister
– Agriculture, Rural Development and Land Reform: Ms Zoleka Capa
– Communications and Digital Technologies: Mr Philly Mapulane
– Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs: Ms Thembi Nkadimeng – Health: Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo
– Mineral Resources and Energy: Dr Nobuhle Nkabane
– Public Service and Administration: Dr Chana Pilane-Majake
– Small Business Development: Mr Sdumo Dlamini
– Transport: Ms Sindisiwe Chikunga
– Water and Sanitation: Ms Dikeledi Magadzi

Also read: 

Ramaphosa announces drastic changes to cabinet

Connie Ferguson thanks SA for love and support, announces memorial service for Shona

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