Work to restore stability in KZN continues

Johannesburg – While calm has returned to KwaZulu-Natal following last month’s civil unrest, concerted efforts are underway to resort peace and stability, says KwaZulu-Natal Premier Sihle Zikalala.

In the wake of last month’s violent scenes, which claimed over 330 lives, the province and national government’s security cluster marshalled in resources to restore stability.

“It is our priority to bring peace and stability,” said Zikalala, while updating the public on the law enforcement and social cohesion interventions in Phoenix following the chaotic scenes of two weeks ago. Thirty-six people were killed in the township.

The second priority, he said, was to provide relief and support to the process of rebuilding with “immediate but lasting effect”.

“We are assessing the impact of civil unrest and compiling our comprehensive report to the National Disaster Management Centre,” he said, adding that this would assist and support the provincial government submission for the declaration of the state of disaster.

While figures were not final, Zikalala said costs incurred in various provincial departments was about R2 billion and R34 million for municipalities.

“These figures are not final and are expected to grow as we consolidate our report. In line with what the minister said, ours in his regard is to ensure stability. That must be a program that is sustainable,” he said on Tuesday.

A taxi is seen on fire after being set alight by a vigilante group in Phoenix, Durban.

He emphasized the need to build harmony and coexistence among citizens, especially in the area of Phoenix and surroundings.

In 2017, the provincial government hosted the Social Cohesion and Moral Regeneration summit. Since then, a Social Cohesion and Moral Regeneration Council, which includes prominent members of society, had been formed.

The key objectives of this is to develop a comprehensive provincial strategy. The strategy, said Zikalala, would address feelings of marginalisation and exclusion based on race. It would also address the perception that foreign and other African nationals, are benefiting more than local citizens from the economy.

He said that sustainable solutions are needed “to bring about radical socio economic transformation to address socio economic inequalities that prevail”.

Restoring trust

Also speaking at the briefing, Police Minister Bheki Cele said while much ground had been covered on the security front in Phoenix, “crucial work” to rebuild trust between communities is underway.

He extended his appreciation to the work of the Peace Committee that was set up in the wake of the crimes.

The forum consists of members of Bhambayi, Zwelisha, Umaoti, Inanda and Phoenix areas.

He said: “It is these determined and committed women and men who raised their hands to be part of the solution, in the face of adversity.

“They stand together against the divisions sowed among the people of this area.”

The forum worked with the South African Police Service in facilitating the reporting of cases of missing persons.

Calls are made to arrest and prosecute members of a vigilante group that went on a rampage and murdered people in Phoenix, Durban.

The Minister said the forum has been at the forefront of assisting bereaved families to identify the remains of their loved ones at the Phoenix government mortuary.

“This Peace Committee is playing a vital role in ensuring that the communities they represent are kept abreast with information at all times. This Peace Committee saw the light at a time when there was only darkness, despair and hopelessness.

Together, they put aside their differences and worked towards the same goal. They have shown us the way forward,” said the Minister.

SAPS making progress in addressing KZN violence

The South African Police Service (SAPS) has made significant progress in dissecting the causes and effects of the recent wanton destruction of infrastructure and business lootings in KwaZulu-Natal, says Police Minister Bheki Cele.

The Minister revealed this while briefing the media on the law enforcement and social cohesion interventions in Phoenix following the chaotic scenes of two weeks ago.

Cele on Tuesday said the SAPS was making strides in bringing to book those who instigated the events that resulted in the death of 342 people in KZN and Gauteng.

He said the calamity in Phoenix was precipitated by “racist vigilantism, as communities sought to protect themselves and their properties from looters”.

During the unrest, Cele said Phoenix and surrounding areas “became the epicentre of heinous criminal and racist incidents, which resulted in brutal killings and injuries, horrendous damage to property and untold pain and trauma”.

Cars are seen along Phoenix highway after being set alight and some owners murdered by a vigilante group.

“We want to assure the nation that the crimes committed in Phoenix or anywhere else in the country will not go unpunished,” the Minister said.

The wheels of the catastrophe were set in motion on 12 July when the Phoenix community set up blockades and patrolled the neighbourhood streets after the start of mass looting and unrest in Durban.

While initially armed checkpoints were set up at strategic access points, the situation rapidly deteriorated and soon, the streets became scenes of crime.

Cele said the problem was aggravated when some people operating the checkpoints turned to vigilantism, and started to racially profile people, denying them entry into the area.

“This amounted to unlawful discrimination and a restriction of movement for mainly African people.

“According to police reports, a vehicle (bakkie) with no registration plates, carrying looted items, was stopped and searched at one of the checkpoints.”

Cele said four male occupants of the bakkie fired shots at community members.

While four suspects fled into the bushes, four African males sustained gunshot wounds, with one of them dying on the scene.

Their vehicle was set alight.

The Minister said police believe this incident sparked a chain of stoning and burning of vehicles, as well as shootings, stabbings and assaults.

It is alleged that at the road closures in the area, some motorists were robbed and their cars ransacked.

“Irrespective of gender or age, some motorists were allegedly forcefully taken out of their motor vehicles and then assaulted with baseball bats, bricks and sticks.

“Some people were even butchered with bush knives and other sharp instruments. It is alleged that some people were shot and killed, and their vehicles were set alight,” Cele said.

Harrowing accounts of targets narrowly escaping death while trying to enter Phoenix to access clinics and the local pharmacy have been widely shared.

“I have also met with Phoenix community members, who have condemned these savage acts and many are coming forward with information that is assisting police investigations,” Cele said.

DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA – JULY 13: Looters packing their truck with furniture in Springfield on July 13, 2021 in Durban, South Africa. It is reported that looting and protests started in KwaZulu-Natal last week with Zuma’s supporters calling for his immediate release and have now spread to some parts of the country. (Photo by Gallo Images/Darren Stewart)

The reign of terror claimed the lives of 36 people, revealed the Minister. Of these, investigations show that 30 people died of gunshot wounds. Two were burnt to death; one was stabbed and another run over by a car. Two others died from the brutal injuries they sustained after being assaulted.

Cele said they were investigating 52 cases of attempted murder, and probing nine cases of common assault and 16 cases of assault GBH.

Cele said what happened in Phoenix were “criminal acts of the worst kind, which also took a racial turn”.

“These acts have no place in our society and the perpetrators will be arrested and prosecuted,” he said.

A team of 31 experienced detectives from national and provincial KZN were deployed to investigate, make arrests and attend court cases “to ensure justice prevails”.

To date, 22 suspects have been arrested.

The Minister said some of the suspects were allegedly connected to several murder, attempted murder, malicious damage to property, and defeating the ends of justice cases.

Investigations are also underway to determine the role of private security firms in the violence. The Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA) has seized 152 firearms from four private security companies working in the area. A further 112 illegal firearms have also been seized during police operations in Phoenix.

Investigating the authorities

Also under scrutiny will be the local SAPS response, said Cele.

The South African National Defence Force is providing support to the SAPS and its specialised units, such as Public Order Police, Tactical Response Teams (TRT) and Metro Police daily in the areas of Phoenix, Bhambayi, Zwelitsha and aMaoti.

Cele said: “I want to assure these families that the police will continue their relentless pursuit of the killers and their accomplices. We are committed to upholding the law and seeking justice”.


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