‘Zondo must shut up’ – former Eskom CEO Brian Molefe

Former Eskom boss Brian Molefe has told Chief Justice Raymond Zondo to keep his name out of his mouth.

The Human Science Research Council hosted a colloquium on Thursday to commemorate a year since the release of the commission’s final report, and Zondo gave the keynote address. An incensed Molefe was responding to Zondo.

At the function, Zondo said Molefe was a Gupta state capture lieutenant whom they deployed at Transnet and Eskom to serve their nefarious interests.

“On the 7th of December 2010, the Gupta newspaper (The New Age) came out saying Mr. Brian Molefe would be the CEO of Transnet, and about four months later, Mr. Molefe became the group CEO of Transnet,” said Zondo.

Molefe believes that Zondo is overreaching with his running commentary on matters contained in his State Capture Report that will still be subjected to judicial review before Zondo’s courts.

Not only that, Molefe charged, Zondo’s big mouth was compromising hot cases that are before the courts, where the likes of Molefe are accused.

“Quite frankly, Chief Justice Zondo must shut up,” vented a livid Molefe.

“His report says there must be further investigations, and then now he stoops so low in what I view as an attempt to try and influence those investigations. Not only are there further investigations that he recommended, which I presume are taking place, but there is also a criminal matter that is in front of the courts.

“One really has to wonder: is the chief justice exempted from the sub-judice rule? Does Zondo view himself as the law? Is he the law?” Molefe continued to fume.

According to Molefe, it was “shocking” that the highest judge in the land is subjecting individuals with rights to “kangaroo courts and courts of public opinion”.

Even worse, Molefe believes Zondo is preoccupied with public commentary when he cannot defend his report, citing as an example that he missed deadlines to file responding papers filed by his former Eskom colleague Matshela Koko, who took the commission report on review.

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