Sizwe Dhlomo responds to Kaya FM drama

Kaya FM presenter Sizwe Dhlomo shared a post on social media on Monday after Sunday World reported at the weekend that the station manager, Sibongile Mtyali, was fired on Friday and ordered to leave the station with immediate effect.

At the centre of the drama is Dhlomo, who reported Mtyali to the board, after she refused to address a matter concerning sports presenter Mpho Maboi.

According to a staff member, who did not want to be named for fear of victimisation, the problem started when the two popular presenters allegedly fought over work-related issues.

“When Mtyali tried to intervene, she was told to back off by one of the presenters, who told her [that] they do not take orders from her, but from the board,” reported Sunday World.

Dhlomo broke his silence and claimed that Mtyali replaced Sandile van Heerden with Maboi without a reason.

“Sibongile then called me into a meeting and said Mpho would be joining the team, meaning that Sandile would leave, and asked what I thought about that. I said ‘no problem, I’ll work with whoever you give me’,” tweeted Dhlomo.

“No reason was given for Sandile’s removal. Okay, cool.”

He further explained that Maboi would miss the team’s show meetings, which always take place at 1pm.

“Mpho started missing those, literally a week after joining our show. It meant she didn’t know what was being discussed, it meant she would sometimes not have a sports trivia prepped on air and that was jeopardising the quality of the show.”

He added that he spoke to Maboi twice about her missing the meetings, but she decided to approach the station manager.

“I then asked why did you remove a person who obviously could deliver for someone who couldn’t?”

Dhlomo said the human resources intervened, sending him an e-mail stating that the show meetings had to be moved to accommodate Maboi, and that he should no longer be involved in the music department.

“I reported that directly to the board, copying both Sibongile and human resources. The board launched an investigation, staff members came forward to testify, and I suppose this is the outcome of it,” he added.

Dhlomo’s tweets received a backlash from fans who stated that Maboi’s terms and conditions of her contract and the times that she is required to be at work have nothing to do with him. Others called him out for having a hand in the dismissal of seasoned broadcaster Unathi Nkayi in 2021.

Kaya FM gives its station manager the boot

Unathi Nkayi fired by Kaya FM

Unathi, Sizwe and Kaya FM spat takes ugly turn

WATCH: Unathi breaks silence after being fired from Kaya FM

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