Musina Makhado SEZ CEO Lehlogonolo Masoga commended youngsters who attended the Musina Makhado SEZ Youth Empowerment Indaba for being robust and honest in their engagements.
“It is in the nature of youth to be robust. They call things by their name and we would be worried if the youth were not robust because we wouldn’t learn anything from them,” said Masoga at the conclusion of the conference, which was hosted by the SEZ company.
The conference was aimed at providing the youth with information about the opportunities available at the SEZ. The Musina Makhado SEZ Company was joined by government agencies such as the Industrial Development Corporation, Limpopo Economic Development Agency and Small Enterprise Finance Agency, which also shared how they could assist youth-owned businesses.

The two-day conference, held at the Tshipise Aventura Resort in Tshipise near Musina, was attended by youth from various districts of the province including Sekhukhune, Waterberg, Makhado and Vhembe.
Masoga said the conference was a historic occasion as it had afforded the company an opportunity to engage with youth and to unpack what the project entails.
“One of the very important things that came out here is the shock with regards to statistics that paint a worrisome picture of youth in the province. Unemployment is ravaging our youth. The youth are losing hope in life. Lack of skills is a serious reality affecting the youth,” said Masoga.
He said, however, that there was hope going forward as the youth had displayed a positive attitude and determination to confront the challenges. “We are happy that the youth say, despite all the challenges they are ready to confront them and to soldier on and take advantage of opportunities presented by the SEZ,” he said.
He said with regards to skills development, government was working hard to deal with the issue of creating a skills base for youth. “When the SEZ comes we don’t start running around looking for skills,” he said.
Masoga said the SEZ company had established relationships with the four universities in the province and TVET colleges for technical and vocational training. The collaboration with TVET colleges had already produced 26 engineers, he said. Another group of youth had been sent to China for vocational training. “By the time the SEZ gets underway we should have those skills locally,” he said.
Masoga said the SEZ company would be meeting women in business, magoshi (traditional leaders) environmental organisation, farmers and other affected parties as part of its stakeholder management plan.
He said the SEZ was a great initiative that would change the economic landscape of the province and pleaded with communities and all other stakeholders to support and protect the project.
Addressing the concerns raised around the environmental impact on the area, Masoga said all precautions had been taken to ensure the project complied with requirements.
– Lucas Ledwaba