Ricky Ponting advises Proteas in T20 World Cup final against India

Three-time World Cup winner Ricky Ponting has passed on some words of advice to the Proteas ahead of their much-anticipated T20 World Cup final clash against India.

South Africa is on the verge of greatness after reaching their first-ever ICC limited-overs final. This is following their impressive nine-wicket triumph over Afghanistan in the semis on Wednesday.

The Proteas face an Indian side that is also yet to taste defeat at this year’s T20 World Cup staged in the US and West Indies.

Embrace the occasion

As South Africa attempts to claim their first piece of silverware at an ICC tournament in the title decider against India, Australia’s cricket legend Ponting has advised the Proteas to embrace the occasion.

“A lot of teams say, ‘It’s just another game’ and they try and hide away from how big the occasion is. And it is no good doing that. It is all about embracing it for what it is,” Ponting said on the ICC’s Digital Daily show.

“These players haven’t been there before, so enjoy tonight, enjoy tomorrow. But make sure everything you do leading in is the same and your preparation is the same.”

Ponting believes South Africa has enough firepower to match it with India. He has since encouraged them to back their skills and abilities. this so they are able to showcase their capabilities on the big stage.

“They are undefeated up to here, so they don’t need to change anything, and they don’t need to try any harder.

Be the best version of themselves

“They [South Africa] just need to turn up and be the best version of themselves. And the best version of themselves as a team on the day and give themselves the best chance. If they do that, they will be hard to beat,” he added.

Ponting has coached a handful of South Africa’s stars at the domestic level in the Indian Premier League. He is well renowned as a big-game player, having won three cricket World Cup titles with the Aussies.

The 49-year-old also said he plans to touch base with a group of Proteas and pass on some advice. This ahead of the one-off final in Barbados on Saturday. The game will get underway at 4:30pm (SA time).

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