South African young divers jet off to Canada

South Africa’s young athletes are taking to aquatic sport like ducks into water. The latest to fly the South African flag high are from left, Grace Brammer, 17, from St Stithians College, Zalika Methula, 16, from St Mary’s Waverly, Keratile Manaka, 15, St Mary’s Waverly and Gemma Weyers 15, St Stithians College.

The foursome will represent the country and their schools at the Fina World Junior Diving Championships in Canada from November 27 to December 4. Methula, who tasted international competition when she competed at the Fina World Aquatics Championships in Budapest, Hungary in June, will contest in the 1m and 3m, Brammer, the same events as well as the sychronised event, while Manaka and Weyers will take part in the 1m and 3m events.

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