I never envisioned this day would come, not so soon – Rulani

Former Mamelodi Sundowns head coach Rulani Mokwena has penned a long and emotional farewell message, saying that he never envisioned leaving the club so soon.

This comes after shocking news surfaced this week that the reigning DStv Premiership Coach of the Season has parted ways with the club.

On Wednesday, Sundowns released an official statement confirming that the club has cut ties with Mokwena amicably.

“Sundowns wishes to express its gratitude to Rulani Mokwena for his contribution to the successes and achievements of the club during his tenure as head coach,” Sundowns said in the statement.

“Rulani Mokwena will forever be part of the Mamelodi Sundowns family, and the club wishes him all the very best with his future endeavours.

“The decision of Mamelodi Sundowns was taken by the board taking into account the objectives and expectations of the club and was not influenced or based on the recommendation of any individual associated with the club.”

I bid you farewell

In a statement on Thursday, Mokwena expressed his heartbreak, saying he never saw himself leaving the club so soon and how it happened.

“With a heavy heart but yet a grateful spirit … I bid you farewell, and I wish to thank you. The journey I have shared with each and every one of you has been nothing short of remarkable,” said Mokwena.

“I never envisioned this day would come, not soon anyway, nor did I ever expect to part ways in this manner.

“But as life often dictates its own course, as a stoic, I have come to accept that sometimes endings are just new beginnings in disguise.”

The 37-year-old thanked the chairman of the club and the entire Motsepe family. He also expressed his gratitude to the Sundowns technical team, players, and supporters.

Heartfelt tribute

“To the players, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt tribute and deepest thanks to every one of you who have not only excelled in your achievements on the field but have proven to be amazing individuals off the field.

“Your dedication, hard work, and talents have inspired so many around the continent and even the world.

“And finally, to the fans, to our loyal supporters, the yellow nation, the backbone of this institution, your unwavering passion and spirit have fueled our achievements and brought joy to our hearts.

“Your drum beat, chants, and cheers will forever echo in my memory — a constant reminder of the bond that was growing stronger by the day. I wish you everything the best.”

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