I owe Chippa for unbelievable support for me and Nigeria – Nwabali

Nigeria goalkeeper Stanley Nwabali says he was left in awe by the endless support he received from Chippa United boss Siviwe “Chippa” Mpengesi.

Nwabali was Nigeria’s first choice keeper in the West African nation’s silver medal run in the Africa Cup of Nations earlier this month. 

Nigeria met Bafana Bafana in the semi-finals, but Mpengesi released a statement wishing Nwabali and the Super Eagles success. The statement caused a huge uproar, leading to South Africans accusing Mpengesi of being a traitor.  

In his statement, Mpengesi said: “I and Chippa United FC stand behind our player Stanley Nwabali and the Nigerian Super Eagles against South Africa’s Bafana Bafana.”

Mpengesi gave me a lot of reasons to work hard

The 27-year-old goalkeeper has since reacted to the statement by Mpengesi and admitted that he was surprised that Mpengesi supported the Super Eagles over his own national team.

“The chairman gave me a lot of reasons to work hard at Afcon,” Nwabali said during the Nedbank Cup last-16 draw on Monday, where Chippa were drawn against ABC Motsepe League side FC Ravens.

“He was sending me a lot of messages, even wishing me well ahead of his own country; that was something I didn’t believe.

“I was like, ‘how would this man do this kind of thing?’ I really appreciate him, and I owe him a lot. He is really a nice man.”

The Nigerian shotstopper had an impressive Afcon campaign, as he helped Nigeria reach the final. He was one clean sheet away from walking away with the Golden Glove accolade,  which was ultimately won by Bafana’s number one, Ronwen Williams.

Despite being linked with a move away from Chippa next season, Nwabali said he wishes to repay Mpengesi by staying longer with the Chilli Boys.

“A lot of people say, ‘ahh Stanley, you must leave Chippa’, but I wish to work for him for two more years. 

“But I don’t think that wish will come true,” he added as he acknowledged the possibility of a bigger landing for him.

Chieftaincy honour back home

“I want to work harder than before. If I was putting in 100% before, now I must double that because a lot of people are looking up to me now.”

Also looking up to Nwabali, according to reports from Nigeria, is the kingdom of his homeland in east Nigeria. Nzeobi Evaritus Amida, the ruler of Egbema Kingdom, last weekend conferred a chieftaincy honour on Nwabali. The big keeper is now officially known as Ugo Egbema, “The Pride of the Egbema Kingdom”. 

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