COVID-19 Claims 13 Lives In Total


Latest COVID-19 statistics show that cases of infected people have now reached 1 749 in South Africa.

Health Minister Zwelini Mkhize announced that another death has brought the death toll to 13. The department of health said the latest person to succumb to coronavirus was a man who was also suffering from stage 4 prostate cancer. He died at the Parklands hospital in Durban.

To date, 58 098 tests have been concluded with 45 recoveries. Meanwhile, the World Health Organisation said in a virtual briefing although they have no blanket recommendation for measures to slow the spread of COVID-19 – they do urge all affected countries not to lift their social distancing measures too early.

“One of the most important parts is not to let go of the measures too early in order not to have a fall back again,” said Christian Lindmeier, who is the WHO spokesman.

He said it is similar to being sick yourself and getting out of bed too soon. “You risk falling back and having complications,” he said.


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