Full Circle: All is not lost, there are still good men out there

By Kuli Roberts

Johannesburg – So, do you have the summer body you desired and worked hard for?

It’s December baby, go and flaunt it. Please go because we saw and heard enough about it, and it looks magnificent.

You cannot tell me all that sweating in the house and sour smell during Covivi was for you to end up covered on the couch.

Go out and show off that flawless body. You have your nails and hair done, your make-up is on fleek, but alas, you have no man.

That somebody to show it off to. What on earth were you thinking working on your body instead of finding a man and getting relationship skills?

You could have had a man, but you were too busy getting fitter and turning yourself into one.

But all is not lost, there are good men out there, men who won’t beat you to a pulp, prompting you to wear a doek and tell people to stay away from your business, to which you are inviting us by defending him.

Have you read: Full Circle: Andizi! My body is not for broke, childish men

Honey, we are all in your business and you should respect yourself and walk away from a man who records you while beating you.

Threatening sympathisers with further action is also distasteful as you both brought your violence to the world.

Sisi, it’s 2020 and survivors are no longer dictating to anyone as we know about trauma bonding and you are not going to waste your summer body being a punching bag while the village is back.

According to sources, they are coming to get your barbaric husband to protect you, whether you want them to or not – it is not always about you.

Women abuse on the spotlight again. PICTURE: #MAKE IT STOP CAMPAIGN

Telling people to mind their own business is pointless too, as we watched you get that summer body and your man will be taught that you don’t touch women before or after an apology.

We are told it’s not easy to leave an abusive partner as they have broken down your self-worth and eroded your confident personality.

But all of that is ending as it’s not just about you, you must stop the cycle and protect your children.

If you can’t show off that summer body because its battered and bruised, once it heals it’s got to be used as a shield and stop your hubby from inflicting pain on his children as well.

You are going to be a shield and ensure your son does not emulate his violent father’s behaviour and you are going to get self-defence classes instead of a summer body, which is just for show.

It will now be a weapon not something to hide because you were damaged by some coward you married.

We understand that you don’t want to embarrass your family, but you must understand that you are not.

Embarrassing is when we watch you drop charges after he has bashed your head against a door.

Yes, abuse is rife and you as the survivor need to remember the impact it has on the children. Do not drop charges.

Children watch you being dragged by your hair, punched and kicked as if you were caught stealing.

Think about the other victims while you claim you are a survivor.

Honey, read me slowly and realise that you are correct, you are sizzling. So sizzling that the village will ensure you are not scared anymore so you can show off that body.

The talk is abusers will be kidnapped for days with or without your police report.

They might be held for a few days, so leave the nyatsi.

In the two days he will be tortured and then dumped naked in the south.

Your abusers always apologise, you can too when he wanders into the house hours later, battered and disorientated from blood streaming from his head wounds.

So, if your abusive husband disappears these holidays, he might have been kidnapped as there are ears and eyes everywhere ready to act and punish abusive men.

You are not letting anyone ruin that summer body. We were there, we are invested, and you are going to flaunt it.

The village will punish. Stop being enablers. Oh, and you will always be flawless with or without a summer body, but definitely without an abuser.

Take care of the kids.

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