Musician Tebogo Sithathu in legal blues over defamatory remarks

Musician Tebogo Sithathu has received a letter of demand from Copyright Coalition of South Africa (CCSA) spokesperson  Chola Makgamathe ‘s lawyer to retract, before noon today, the defamatory statement he made against her on Cape Talk radio station last month.
In the letter, seen by Sunday World, Makgamathe ‘s lawyer, Phumla Mfeka of Mfeka Attorneys, sa the artist conducted an interview with  Africa Melane on the show called the Early Breakfast with Africa Melane on Cape Talk 567 AM on Tuesday August 25  in his capacity as a member of ReCreate ZA regarding the Copyright Amendment Bill. Mfeka said Sithathu, a former member of the group Twins, spewed defamatory statements defamed during the interview.
“We have been advised by our clients that you made allegations, more specifically alluded that Ms Chola Makgamathe (“Ms Makgamathe”), the spokesperson of the CCSA “is obviously getting paid,” for activities and industry engagements in respect of the Copyright Amendment Bill. Your actions to negatively paint our clients ’ image as having some sort of corrupt behaviour will not be accepted,” reads the letter.
Mfeka also said Makgamathe has denied these allegations as they had no factual basis, are defamatory and infringe on her right to a good name and reputation.
According to Mfeka, Sithathu was fully aware at the time of making such allegations that the statements would be harmful, impair and damage  Makgamathe’s  good name and reputation in the industry in light of all their engagements in respect of the Copyright Amendment Bill.
“We have been instructed to demand from you and Recreate ZA, as we hereby do publish a prominent and full retraction of the defamatory statement as well as a public apology to our client and to issue an undertaking in writing to not publish any further defamatory statement or false allegation regarding our Clients, on or before Tuesday, 8 September 12:00pm, failing which it is our instruction to proceed with the appropriate legal action against you and Recreate ZA,” reads the letter.
Sithathu said he would not apologise or retract his statement.
” If they take the matter to court so be it, we will meet them there because there is nothing wrong that I have said,” he said.


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