8-million people sit home without jobs, shows Stats SA data

Unemployment has surged to 35.3% in the fourth quarter of 2021, according Statistics SA (Stats SA) data released on Tuesday, an increase from 34.9% in the previous period.

It represented the highest unemployment rate since comparable data began in 2008.

The Stats SA data shows that the number of unemployed people increased by nearly 300 000 to 7.9-million. The youth unemployment rate, measuring job-seekers between 15 and 24 years old, was unchanged at a record high of 66.5%.

Manufacturing and construction sectors recorded the most job losses in the quarter under review.

The Don Consultancy Group chief economist Chifi Mhango said the data reveals the continued challenge of job creation and retention within key traditional sectors of the South African economy as unemployment rate increases.

“The data reveals that not only are jobs not being created in key traditional sectors of the economy, but also there is a challenge of job retention due to de-industrialisation in the South African economy as depicted in declining share of key traditional sectors’ contribution to gross domestic product,” said Mhango.

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