‘I feel like I was targeted because of the things I said’ – Mrs Sande

Newcomer to The Mommy Club Jabu Sande, popularly known as Mrs Sande, walked out of the reunion after having a panic attack. For Mrs Sande, it was not easy at the reunion because she knew so many questions would be directed at her.

“While on the show, I was very nosey, trying to dig deep and find out things. That may have rubbed people up the wrong way. But, for my first reunion, I think I did okay,” said Sande.

She said she felt like she was targeted because of the things she said. But felt that everyone was shady to some degree. And because she did not want to be confrontational, she let it go. 

Sande believes she should have apologised during the season and not waited for the reunion.

Shocked at friend’s neglect

“In both parts of the reunion, it looks like I have nothing to say but apologise. But that is okay, I did not want to come off defensive, because I was wrong. It is not good to carry beef that has nothing to do with you. I got into issues because I was defending Ratile as a friend. But when it is time for the same friends to defend you, they don’t.”

Sande says she was shocked to see Ratile sit like a queen and not defend her during the reunion.

“I was expecting her to come to my aid because during the season, I was defending her. But even when I broke down, she did not comfort me. The person who was comforting me was Mrs Mops, which I was not expecting because I said some things about her. But at that moment, she let go of everything and came by my side.”

She said she is now questioning her friendship with Ratile and wondering if it is real or if it was just for the show.

Sande said she has two regrets, and the first is her gossiping about Mrs Mops after she confided in her.

“As women, we need to uplift each other and, at that moment, I did not do her right. Because today it is her, and tomorrow it could have been me, so I wish I had handled that better.

Great learning experience

“My second regret is the things that I said about Happy. She and I are now building a friendship and I understand her better. I now understand why she is the way she is. I wish I was kinder to her at the time.”

She added that the experience has taught her to think before she says anything and be calm.

“I am learning a lot about myself and this has made me introspect. And these are the things I am going to carry in my everyday, so it has been a great learning experience.”

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