Unsung Heroes 2025

Uzalo, Clash of the Choirs drop hip-hop artist

Jub Jub’s first acting breakthrough on television has gone up in smoke after Uzalo terminated his contract after he was charged with several counts of rape.

As if that were not enough, Clash of the Choirs television programme, also pulled the plug on the deal they signed with him to host the show.

This after his former girlfriends, actress Amanda Du-Pont, singer Kelly Khumalo and former Metro FM presenter Masechaba Khumalo pressed several counts of rape charges against him recently.

After opening the cases, Jub Jub was arrested and released on R10 000 bail when he appeared in the Joburg magistrate’s court in July this year, and will appear again in November when he is expected to make representation for the withdrawal of the cases.

After his court appearance, Jub Jub received an email from Uzalo producers, Stained Glass Productions, stating that they had pulled the plug on his contract at the behest of the SABC.

In the email, which we have seen, Stained Glass Productions representative, Ntombizodwa Zuma, said the SABC ordered them to cancel the contract they signed with Jub Jub to become part of the cast of South Africa’s biggest soapie.

The email reads as follows: “As per our telephone conversation yesterday (28th of July 2023) it is unfortunate that Stained Glass Productions will have to withdraw our initial agreement with casting you on Uzalo at this moment due to an instruction from the broad-
caster. However, should we in future have another role on Uzalo or another production and our broadcaster agrees, we would like to keep our lines open to engage you open.

“We wish you well during this difficult time and we will keep you in our prayers.”

 The cancellation of Jub Jub’s contract has set him back financially as Uzalo was supposed to pay him R20 000 on call basis. This excluded value-added tax or any allowed deductions, according to the documents we have seen.

The production house was going to pay him R160 000 if they chose to hire him on global call basis. This too excluded value- added tax and allowed deductions. The rates or fees also excluded transport, accommodation and special needs trust.

Jub Jub, who was rebuilding his life after spending several years in prison for killing school children when he was drag racing in Soweto in 2010, suffered another financial setback when Clash of the Choirs also kicked him to the kerb.

After his appearance in court, Clash of the Choirs representative Vanessa Tloubatla informed the Ndikodelele hitmaker that they had decided to sever their ties with him. Apparently, Jub Jub, lost at least R200 000 as a result of this cancellation.

Tloubatla feigned ignorance when we contacted her for comment.

“I don’t know what you are talking about, where did you get my numbers from?” she asked.

Uzalo line producer Nokhuthula Dlamini confirmed Jub Jub will no longer be part of the cast.

“We were still in the process of signing a contract with him when the SABC raised concerns about the allegations that were levelled against him.

“We decided to refrain from going ahead with him.

“If the cases are dropped, to my understanding, we might review our decision.

“You would understand there was and will still be a lot of noise around him and that was not going to be good for Uzalo as a brand,” she said.

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