Department plans to roll out plan to combat suicides in schools

Gauteng education MEC Matome Chiloane is expected to outline the department’s action plan for school safety and learner prevention in Marshalltown, Johannesburg on Sunday. 

Sunday will be the commemoration of World Suicide Prevention Day, an event organised by the International Association for Suicide Prevention and endorsed by the World Health Oorganisation (WHO).

The department said in light of this global initiative and in response to the unfortunate increase in learner suicides, the department finds it crucial to roll out its plan of action.

Earlier in September, Chiloane expressed sadness for the two learners who died by suicide in the province.

The department said at the time that one of the incidents occurred at Soshanguve Secure Centre, where a grade 10 boy learner was found hanging in the dormitory during lunch.

It was reported that the learner had been taken to a juvenile centre about two weeks ago and was awaiting trial.

In a separate incident, a grade nine boy learner from Kgetsi Ya Tsie Secondary School tragically took his life at home on the same day.

“These incidents serve as a grim reminder that the emotional wellbeing of learners is a shared responsibility that requires immediate attention from all of us,” Matome said.

“As we mourn the loss of young lives, there is a growing determination to prevent future tragedies and to foster a culture of support, compassion, and understanding within the educational community.

“We wish to extend our condolences to families and school communities.”

On the day, the MEC will also give an update on learner placements in the province, which began on Monday.

On Tuesday, the department confirmed that more than 220 000 applicants have received placement offers for the 2024 academic year.

Applicants have been urged that offers must be accepted within seven days.

“Over 90 000 applicants have accepted placement offers as final from one school applied to while 1 662 accepted placement offers while awaiting further offers,” it said.

It also said more than 120 000 parents have not responded to placement offers. “Parents are reminded to accept offers within seven school days.

“Offers not [accepted] within seven school days will be auto-accepted at the school with a placement offer closest to the parents’ home address.”

The department added that it will continue to send out SMSs until the end of 2023 or until all children have been placed in schools.

“Not all applicants will receive an SMS on the first day of the placement period, but applicants can expect an SMS anytime from 4 September throughout the year.”


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