E-Learning another way of growing companies

Johannesburg- The pandemic has highlighted the gap between companies and living in the 21st century and acknowledging the 4th industrial revolution.

Employees and employers have faced difficulties because they have not come to terms with the impact that e-learning has in the work environment especially during the pandemic.

“The one key ingredient to growing a culture of active e-learning in organisations is a leadership team that recognises and promotes the purpose and value of active learning. These are learning champions who understand that continuous learning has a greater role to play as it can effectively overcome some of their organisation’s biggest challenges, and even assist in achieving their stretch goals,” Michael Gullan, CEO of G&G Advocacy, said.

Gullan shared 11 key factors that are fundamental for successfully growing culture of active e-learning in any type of organisation.

  1. eLearning advocacy

Make the benefits and outcomes of active learning widely known and understood, across all levels of employees. This will ignite a workforce that wants to develop themselves and their organisation and not think of learning as a task, but a passion.

  1. Multiple training methods

Transitioning to e-learning can be challenging, let alone to active e-learning. Develop an organisational strategy that includes incentives, and healthy competition via gamification, to ensure widespread cultural change.

  1. Innovative culture

Motivate your staff to embrace this new way of learning that is active and engaging. Organisations that embrace active e-learning are excited to cross thresholds.

  1. Embrace technology

Avoid taking the joy out of learning with complex or overlapping technologies. Rather make use of one tailored, learner-centric platform, designed specifically for your organisation and for your learner’s easy adoption. This dispels the stigma that e-learning is clunky, boring, complex, or costly.

  1. General adoption

Don’t limit your e-learning programmes to just one department. Smart e-learning solutions can be used across all departments and all levels of employees, laying a foundation for growth.

  1. Align deployment with business objectives

Roll out e-learning programmes to teams and departments that can make the greatest impact first, and then follow through with other departments. That way you will get early results and reduce wasting learning opportunities and resources. Every day is an opportunity for your teams to learn and grow.

  1. Flow into individual assessments

Integrate your e-learning programmes with employee assessments. Focus on the individual’s growth needs and correlate learning with their performance appraisals.

  1. Showcase successes

Showcase e-learning success to generate internal (and external) enthusiasm and enhance recruitment efforts, recognising that today’s employees expect learning opportunities within their organisation.

  1. Leadership champions

Leaders who maintain a rigorous focus on active learning and inspire others to become torchbearers play a monumental role in the success of robust e-learning programmes. In contrast, without leaders’ enlightenment and involvement, HR and L&D teams are often blocked in their efforts to proliferate ongoing learning and development.

  1. Multifunctional planning

Involve a variety of teams, such as admin, HR, IT, and department heads. Organisations that have diverse buy-in and involvement with identifying objectives and content opportunities enjoy success in ways beyond what any traditional learning can do. A top-down approach that’s limited to finance and procurement will never fly.

  1. Budget strategy

Create a planned financial approach, from strategy to implementation to optimisation and growth, tying all phases directly to employee and department success metrics and the organisation’s strategic plan.

“Take care not to focus on a few growth factors while ignoring the others,” concludes Gullan.

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