SA’s top matriculant Melissa Muller credits work ethic, discipline

The country’s top performing learner Melissa Muller has spoken on the secret that made her the leader of the matric 2023 pack.

Speaking to Sunday World on Thursday at the Mosaiek Church in Randburg, Johannesburg, Muller said she still needs time to process the moment and allow it to sink in.

Had an early start to this moment

“I have no words at the moment, I am still shaking a little bit because I am in disbelief,” she chuckled.

She said her plan for the success did not start in January 2023.

“It is not [about] starting to study hard in January, it is years of hard work. This has been a dream of mine since early in Grade 10. And it has taken developing a good work ethic, good time management skills and discipline,” said Muller.

Setting clear goals

The Cape Town-born starlet from Rhenish High School said setting clear goals from the onset helps with drafting a good personal study time table.

“I would say to the matriculants in 2024, they must use the resources they have. Your teachers are there. Friends and your family are there as your support system. So ask for help when you need it,” she advised.

In high school, Muller shared that she did Life Sciences, Accounting, Physical Sciences, Afrikaans (FAL), English and Life Orientation. She is going to study Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Stellenbosch in the Western Cape province.

KZN achiever beat all the odds 

Zonke Thwala, another top achiever from Siphesihle Secondary school in KwaZulu-Natal, said she beat all the odds that were against her.

“I am still in shock and in awe, this is an honour for me. I have had to study without electricity, so I used a torch. We would call the Eskom people to come fix the problem, but they never did,” she said.

Future chartered accountant 

She shared that she has been accepted at the university of Pretoria and she will be studying B.Com Accounting Science.

“I am so happy to be a part of this team that did well in the class of 2023. I am going to the University of Pretoria to do B.Com Accounting Science because I want to become a chartered Accountant.”

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