Unsung Heroes 2022 | Youth in Uniform | Khomotso Ramaube

Khomotso Ramaube

Youth in Uniform

Nominee's Province:


Project Name/Description:
Law Enforcement Officer

More info:

Khomotso Ramaube, 35, prides herself in wearing her traffic officer uniform, and her topmost priority is to ensure people’s safety on the roads. Ramaube from Groblersdal, Limpopo, works for the Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality’s Traffic Department. “My duty as a law enforcer is to ensure that all road users, including pedestrians, use our roads in an orderly and safe manner to avoid car crashes, deaths, and traffic congestion,” says Ramaube. She grew up loving the traffic officer’s work and remembers an incident when, as a child, she was sent to buy bread in her area. On her way there she saw traffic officers operating a speed machine and stopping cars. She decided to camp there and watched for hours until a cousin came looking for her. Ramaube loves guiding and helping young learners to cross the sometimes busy roads on their way to and from school. She also never misses an opportunity to teach and make them aware of the road signs. Fortunately, schools in the vicinity do, from time to time, send learners to traffic department offices where they learn more about road safety. This strong law enforcement officer is never fazed by rude and aggressive motorists.


Youth in Uniform

Unsung Heroes Categories 2022
