Shwashwi: Running circus rings around Mbaks while having a Cupcake 

Running circus rings around Mbaks while having a Cupcake 

Bheki Mtolo emerges as the ringmaster, orchestrating a spectacle of accountability like no other. With a flair for the absurd and a penchant for the audacious, Mtolo invites Cyril Ramaphosa and Fikile Mbalula to don their clown wigs and embrace the art of owning their flops with unbridled gusto.  

Mtolo’s message is straightforward but provocative: turn your blunders into opportunities for change. Why should political missteps be hidden in the shadows? Shwa thinks this isn’t a mere call for honesty; it’s a challenge to revolutionise governance.  

Mtolo envisions a daring new world, where leaders don’t just apologise but do so with flair and earnestness, inviting citizens to witness and learn from their humanity.  

Mtolo dares leaders to be audaciously open. Let’s not just see politics as a series of polished speeches but as a carnival of candour, where truth takes centre stage and owning up to mistakes isn’t the end but the beginning of meaningful dialogue and progress. 

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