Shwashwi: Sophie Mokoena’s stinging clapback to Juju 

Sophie Mokoena’s stinging clapback to Juju 

It takes a special someone to stand up and call out the heavyweight firebrand that is Julius Malema. In a jaw-dropping twist, veteran broadcast journalist Sophie Mokoena fired back at Malema with a verbal volley that left onlookers gasping for air.  

Our sassy scribe didn’t just whisper a gentle “please stop”, oh no! She unleashed a bold, no-nonsense rebuke, proving that she has the guts and then some to challenge the EFF commander himself.  

For those not in the know, Mokoena’s fearless style has earned her a reputation as one of the media’s most daring darlings. And her latest face-off with Malema just added another fiery feather to her cap. Talk about courage under fire! 

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