Tamia has ama80s babies relive their heyday

It’s like the entire Jozi descended on the Sunbet Arena in Pretoria last weekend for the Tamia concert. And if you thought Tamia was a gogo… think again.

The Canadian singing star Tamia still has a body that would make many blush – legs that go on forever. So, it’s understandable as Tamia pranced around on the stage, that little shiny black-and-silver leotard had many of the guys sweating.

It was a concert well organised – no fights, throwing of garbage and unnecessary fashion. Local opening acts, Loyiso and Langa Mavuso, were astounding.

Shwashwi was so proud of the Generation X – the ama80s babies – who turned up in numbers to relive their heyday. Remembering their first lovers, heartbreak, and many of their first experiences.

And man can this generation party.

The vibe was incredible. Tamia truly gave an unforgettable show. When she sang Me and Almost, many girls were close to tears, shem. It’s true that nothing touches the soul quite like music.

But shame, Tamia had to stay silent during several of her songs while she let the frenzied crowd belt out her lyrics – and they did a good job. It was a sight to behold, and Tamia was such a sport for allowing it.

It’s fine that some say stars like her come here to retire – as it was as clear as day that she is still very much relevant around Mzansi, where South Africans still listen to her jams while spring cleaning their homes.

The patrons were so excited; they walked out of the venue when Tamia was done performing, still singing together in harmony as they ventured to their cars and some went to Rockets for the after party.

If Tamia was this hot, Shwa can’t wait to see what Deborah Cox and Musiq Soulchild have in store for us at the end of this month.

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