191 senior managers probed by state departments

A total of 191 senior management officials in government are being investigated by their respective national and provincial departments.

They are under investigation for allegations of conflict of interest, conducting business with the state and alleged unexplained wealth, among others. 

This was revealed by the Minister of Public Service and Administration Mzamo Buthelezi.

Buthelezi said the 191 officials have been referred for investigation by their departments. He said of the 191 officials, 97 are from national departments, and 94 are from provincial departments.

Officials are from 27 state departments

Buthelezi said the 191 officials under investigation belong to 27 departments. 

The minister was speaking on Monday during the launch of ethics week at the Batho Pele House in Pretoria.

“This year alone, 191 senior management services (SMS) officials were referred for investigation by their departments. (97 in national departments and 94 in provincial departments).

“These officials, together with 1,180 non-senior management services
officials, are from 27 departments. Seven of these are from national and 20 [are] from
provincial departments,” said Buthelezi.

He said progress reports submitted to the technical assistance team reveal the
investigations. They are investigating conflicts of interest; incomplete disclosure and non-disclosure of assets. Directorships, companies, immovable assets and the stated value of
assets. Allegations of conducting business with the State. Performing other
remunerative work without permission; and alleged unexplained wealth.

Detection will strengthen the lifestyle audit process

“The 27 departments are currently investigating their cases. And they are reporting their progress quarterly to the Technical Assistance Team. With the training to be provided this week to departmental investigators, I am confident that the detection of corruption and unethical conduct will strengthen the lifestyle audit process.

“Colleagues, the statistics above prove that these activities are not just for show. They are  part of a comprehensive strategy to build a more accountable public service. Our goal therefore, is to create an environment where ethical behaviour is the norm. And where there are clear consequences for failing to meet our standards,” said Buthelezi. 

Meanwhile, Buthelezi gave a written parliamentary response to an ActionSA question last week. He said as of July 31, a total of 6,220 foreign nationals are employed by the South African government.

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