ActionSA wants explanation on how Chidimma’s mother left SA

ActionSA has written the Department of Home Affairs urgently to request an explanation of the process by which Chidimma Adetshina’s mother was allowed to leave South Africa and travel to Nigeria.

This is amid the joy and celebration that followed Adetshina’s Saturday crowning as Miss Universe Nigeria 2024.

An ongoing investigation into fraud and identity corruption is primarily focused on Adetshina’s mother.

“As indicated before the portfolio committee on Home Affairs on the 20th of August, the department stated that their investigation into the case of fraud and identity theft is at an advanced stage and includes involvement by the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation,” said ActionSA in a statement.

Fraudulent applications

“It is therefore alarming that the main subject of this ongoing investigation was seen in Nigeria this past weekend during a televised broadcast of Miss Universe Nigeria.

“Given the nature of the investigation, which involves circumventing immigration controls, it is reasonable to expect that any travel would be restricted, especially to Nigeria.

“As highlighted in the June 2022 report by the ministerial committee on the issuance of permits and visas, of the 36 647 fraudulent applications detected, 12 177, or one-third, originated from Nigerians, underscoring the scale of the problem.

“ActionSA believes these alarming figures highlight widespread efforts to undermine South Africa’s immigration regime and sovereignty and therefore demands that the government not take a lax approach to enforcing our laws, especially when fraud is uncovered, as in the case of Chidimma Adetshina’s mother.”

Identity theft

Adetshina’s mother, who is a Mozambican, is alleged to have applied for a legitimate South African ID in 1995 after stealing the identity of a South African in 1982.

The beauty queen’s father is Nigerian.

On August 5, Miss South Africa organisers contacted Home Affairs to enquire about Adetshina’s citizenship after she withdrew from the pageant two days before the event.

She then accepted Miss Universe Nigeria’s invitation to compete in their pageant, which she went on to win with the support of South Africans.


  1. This issue of id theft if left in nattendef it will make SA look like a Banana republic with no laws.Nigerians have been using our passport to commit many crimes overseas and they are not followed up when they arrive here.They get arrested in Brazil and Australia but we do nothing

  2. Why is home affairs so quite about foreign people who are committing crimes using our identity. These people should be arrested and given heavy sentences. You go to where they are coming from, you will not even be given a chance to explain yourself, but in Mzansi anyone has rights even if the blind person saw that you committed crime. We are going nowhere with this policies.

  3. I think we Nigerians brought this embarrassment upon ourselves especially our looters in the mould of leaders since independence. See South Africa a country we spent so much of our resources both human and materials to assist during apartheid and liberation struggles on washing us in the mud at the slightest opportunity. What a sad commentary on Nigeria!!!

    • You probably didn’t even know where South Africa was on map of Africa during apartheid. Yet claim to have liberated us.
      Not only South Africa has a problem Nigerians,the whole world.
      Look in the mirror.

      • Are you for real. First you need to study South Africa history before you write.
        Nigeria sacrificed so much in the struggle against apathetic in SA. I’m not surprised at the attitude of South African towards us though. We asked for it.

        • Profoundly so Nigeria assisted South Africa during apartheid era and other countries in Africa did the same too.
          There shouldn’t be a sense of entitlement from the Nigerians to think they can ill behaved just because they assisted South Africa.

  4. South Africa is a stupid stupid banana republic and our government is failing us we citizens sies everyone is doing what they like look what Zimbabweans are killing people I even cry and how they stealing cars jooo shame Mzansi stupid country

  5. So children with Nigerian parentage should now be rejected by South Africans because they are Nigerians, I’m sure my daughter will not find it funny because her father is Nigerian and mother coloured & Xhosa, bottom line is poverty of the mind, my White friends are from Europe and America but holds South African citizenship no one ever questions them, Dog eating Dog is how Africans live

    • But Andrew, the government has clearly stated that where one parent is South African the child is a citizen. It would therefore be completely wrong of anyone to said your children aren’t South African. However, thus far it’s been stated that Chidima’s mother stole someone’s identity and is not South African. It’s not about the father being Nigerian, it’s the fact that neither parents are South African. Also, imagine if the identity of your childs mother was stolen (by someone from any country) and thus one of your children did not have an ID? What I’m saying is imagine the hardships the other person has had to face. Sadly it’s neither fair on either Chidima nor the other person, we need to look at this from both sides.

    • Nigerians are criminals…all over the world people are complaining about these people..if i was a president of the Republic of South Africa i was going to close anything that associate ourselves with them..i was not going to allow anything that comes from Nigeria to South Africa and from SA to Nigeria…before independent we were in peace without them..they came in big numbers in our country just to destroy it.

    • Thank you, people with European decency have SA IDs yet nothing is said or fraudulent about it. As soon as Africans own other African identities, it a big issue. Let start at the top with this problem

  6. ……amazing! South Africa, the xenophobia capital of the world!
    South Africans feel so insecure and intimidated when it comes to Nigeria. The ID theft in question involved a Mozambique woman. Why bring up Nigeria into it.The lady got the ID before she married the Nigerian man!
    Maybe Nigeria should look into the identity of DSTV, MTN, STANBIC BANK etc, maybe case of identity theft could be established!🥹

    • Your fellow brothers and sisters are going to suffer and starve a lot ..90% of Nigerians depends on those South African companies in terms of employment…and those companies are in Nigeria legally paying tax and contributing a lot in gdb of Nigeria.
      Nigeria will loose a lot and we as South Africans we are not going to loose because Nigeria is contributing zero to our economy ..we dont have Nigerian investors in our country only drug dealers and human trafficking that we have from Nigeria

      • Sorry to hear this. Those companies are at the mercy of doing business here in Nigeria. It is not Nigeria loss but those S.A companies loss. Why can’t you lead a campaign for those companies to boycott doing business in Nigeria. Statically fact, every 10 mtn sim card owner, at least 6 is from Nigerian. Some years ago Mtn was fined here by Nigeria government your president then had to visit Nigeria through diplomatic means. So your fact 90% of Nigerians depend on those companies is a big lie rather make a view that those companies needed Nigeria to do business so to contribute to your economy. About drugs and human trafficking you mentioned, it is a pity that South Africans sees themselves to be Innocent in their own country but rather put the blame on someone else. A Yoruba proverb says kokoro ti ounje efo abe idi efo lo wa…meaning an insect feasting on a vegetable leaf stays under the vegetable leaf.

      • I concur,I met many Nigerians around the world whos identity is said to be South African.Nigerians have defrauded SA identities in a big way .Many African countries sacrificed more for SA yet their cutizens are not exploiting us like Nigerians do.There are many self respecting Nigerians in Nigeria who would not come do what these ones are doing to us.

    • The normal person in the streets of South Africa does not benefit from MTN, DSTV. STANBIC Bank, Shoprite, etc, investments in Nigeria. They don’t care whether those companies disinvest or invest in Nigeria.

  7. Its now time for ZA to strip this adetshina of south african citizenship. Let her stay there in nigeria and never be allowed back here in ZA.

      • George Dickson, there’s no such thing as a child of foreigners being a South African by birth. According to our laws, the child follows the status of the parents. Foreigners must stop this nonsense of coming to SA to give birth because they think it automatically makes their children SAn. That’s why Adetshina’s mother had to steal someone’s ID because birth doesn’t give SA citizenship.

  8. Zim / Lesotho / Nigeria / Maputo /Malawi And many others flocking to ZA 🇿🇦 seems to be MOSTLY or all the Criminals fearing their own Police and knowing ZA 🇿🇦 Gov are a Rotten useless Gov ,see their Criminal Haven when Jumping the Border fences of ZA 🇿🇦 !!!


  9. You would be forgiven to think it’s a Nigerian being accused of identity theft.

    These small minded SAns are just obsessed with Nigeria.

    They won’t even speak a word against the whites who killed 2 of their own.


  10. The way these so called South Africans blame other African citizens in their country, you will think they don’t have criminals who are south African. The same people Nigeria and other African countries fought to be liberated against slavery from white colonizers.

  11. The question is why was the mother not arrested within hours of the determination she had been stolen an identity. She ought to have been in front of a court and her passport(s) confiscated. Typical of South Africa under the ANC… They’ll investigate for years and then spend millions trying to extradite a criminal. In no other country would the police chief and home affairs DG still be employed. Having said that, the justice minister is still at large earning a handsome salary paid by the taxpayers, through VAT, taxi fares etc.. we are being taken for a ride due to cadre deployment policies

  12. Fellow South African Nigerians are not our priority now we have a lot to focus on. Okusalayo we are in our country asihlukumezi muntu in their country.Let them rant its fine.Instead of confronting their government to improve their situations they run away. Our focus is derailed. We need to focus on our problem of unemployment. Our government must send our youth to military training there’s a lot to learn there. When they come back they will sort out the illegal immigrants. They must also open the nursing schools that they closed. That was helpful as a student nurse with the stipend you get you could help at home. The teachers colleges as well. We did not get a chance of breathing after apartheid now we are invaded.

  13. Adetshina mother is not Nigerian. Period! I blame the useless Nigerians migrating to your useless country. A country full of criminals and thieves. Google Johannesburg and see is the world capital for crime. SAns are lazy bone who envy the hard-working Nigerians prospering in their country.

  14. Lazy haters jealous unskilled Xénophobes south Africans who want their government to do everything for them (Rdp houses, social grants, etc), unemployed who can think out of the boxes and create own job , business or trade… U still want to work for your white colonisers.. always want to stop progress of foreigners… Emancipate yourself from mental slavery Please

  15. I took time to read all the comments from South African citizens and I observed the following: 1. They have so much hatred against Nigerians accusing them of being drug dealers and human traffickers. 2. They accuse Nigerians of being notorious involved in Identity theft crimes in South Africa. 3. They blame their government for not coming down very heavily against Nigerians and ultimately call on their government to restrict Nigerian entry into South Africa.4. I also observed obvious grammatical errors in all the comments from South African showing very poor education and carelessness in expressing themselves. 5. I also observed poor knowledge of history and lack of gratitude for efforts of people from other African countries in support of Black South African during Aperteid regime. In conclusion, it is obvious that most Black South Africans are grossly educationally and economically challenged, and they get mad seeing Nigerians excel and become successful in South Africa. Chidinma won the Miss Universe Nigeria because of her intelligence and her Nigerian traits of doggedness, resilience and good intellectual fighting spirit which most Black South African youths lack. I recommend that all South Africa people should move pass xenophobic bigotry and focused on embracing diversity, multiculturalism and globalization. Big congratulations to Miss.Chidinma Adesitda👏🎉🎉 Miss Universe Nigeria

    • Our economy is bedrocked our resources not on human intelligence like Israel.When you succeed economicaly by crook or crook while I sink into abject poverty,it is at my expence .Dealing with Nigerians does not mean that whites of other nations are spared . Good enterprising Nigerians are in Nigeria.Most useful citizens of a country stay home and develop their country.

    • 1 Law must prevail,the very law you run to when wronged.2 I cannot host you and you eat all my food and leave me to die 3 We HAD apartheid,education was difficult,you can’t blame the victim.4 Visitors who take advantage of my foolishnes in my house are sitting in a time bomb for when I awaken up it will not be sensible what I do.5 South Africa is not alone in its cry against you Nigerians,our passports are junk largely due to you.What do you expect us to do? Rom,please rather accept punishment where punishment is due.

  16. Put whites in power, you will see why people yoy complain about won’t be a problem, instead you will vote the whites out of power in few years. Leadership requires people with interest for their own country, like the US, they know what it means to lead the country hence they remain on top of the food chain.

  17. Every time when a case of identity theft surfaces we are reminded of white people of European descendants in South Africa they can be investigated as well.
    Nothing wrong with Nigerians in South Africa having children with South Africans as long as the right process and protocols are followed with Home Affairs in issuance of birth certificates and applications of identity books for citizenship.

    • I feel sorry for all children with Nigerian names. South African women should refrain from naming their children after their Nigerian fathers. These half-Nigerian children get bullied at school and at work.

  18. A foreigner in SA is a black person only. SAns feel threatened by a Zimbabwean woman selling tomatoes on the streets, by a Somalian running a spaza shop, but they don’t have a problem with the Chinese who have built big malls in SA and named them Dragon City, China City, China Mall etc. Self hate is painful.


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