President Cyril Ramaphosa has dismissed polling predictions that suggest the ruling party will dip below 50% come election day.
Ramaphosa said the ANC will get more than an outright majority (51%+) in the May 29 general elections.
He said the ANC will also reclaim the Western Cape, which the party lost to the DA during the 2009 provincial elections.
Ramaphosa was speaking on Wednesday during Cosatu’s May Day rally at the Athlone Stadium in Cape Town.
ANC rivals do not have good intentions
“On the 29th of May, we are going to the elections. These will be the most important elections. There are various political parties that are our opponents,” he said.
“They are running around the country like little brakkies [dogs], saying the ANC will go below 50%.
“I want to give them a clear message that the workers and people of this country will not allow the ANC to go below 50%. We are working for an outright majority of the ANC.
“Here in the Western Cape, we are going to show those who believe the Western Cape belongs to them that the ANC is coming after you.
“The ANC will show you because we are the only organisation that has proven over 30 years that we care for people, having led our people for a while to bring the country where it is today.
“We should work for the victory of the ANC. We urge all workers here [at Athlone Stadium] that the ANC is the only political party that has advanced the interests of workers.
“All other [political parties] do not have good intentions for the workers like the ANC has done in government.
“Remember that as workers, we go to the polls. All workers must be active volunteers of the ANC and make sure we achieve a decisive victory. The ANC will emerge victorious.”
The latest survey by global market research firm Ipsos, which was released last week, predicts that the ANC will receive 40.2% of the vote.
Meanwhile, EFF leader Julius Malema urged the residents of Hammanskraal in Tshwane to vote for his party.
Malema was speaking at an EFF Workers’ Day community meeting at Temba Stadium.

Do not vote with emotions
“When we vote on the 29th of May, let us not use our emotions and hearts. Let us use our minds. You should enter the voting booth and tell yourself that all these problems are coming to an end today,” said Malema.
“You should tell yourself that even if they [the ANC] win, they should not win with my vote. You should have a clear conscience when you walk on the street that even if they [ANC] are causing nonsense, they are not doing it with my vote.
“You should vote for the EFF on all three ballots. Let us go and take power on May 29th. I invite you to the Union Buildings on the 29th of May.”
The latest Ipsos poll predicts that the EFF will receive 11.5% of the vote.