Archbishop Stephen Zondo trial intensifies as witness returns to stand

Johannesburg – The trial of Archbishop Stephen Zondo continues to intensify as the witness who is a relative to Zondo returned to the stand to be cross-examined by the defence.

The trial was adjourned on Tuesday afternoon after the state asked for the witness to refresh her memory about the events which occurred 40 years ago.

On the third day of the trial, the witness continued being cross-examined at the Pretoria High court on Wednesday.

This comes after a long debate on whether the defence could cross-examine the witness on evidence given at the CRL.

Another factor raised was that the witness felt intimidated by the remarks made by the people in court, whilst she was being cross-examined the previous day.

The state also raised a point that the witness’s face was shown one of the news channels that was in attendance at the court.

The court proceedings had to be adjourned and at 2pm the witness returned to the stand to be cross-examined.

Zondo sat quietly and attentively at the dock with a pen and notebook jotting down notes of the cross-examination.

The defence continued to grill the witness on the stand asking about the events that happened back in the 80’s and was establishing the ages and whereabouts of the family members who stayed at their great grandmother’s house.

The defence also asked questions trying to establish how the witness and the accused lived and how the two grew up and up to them staying together in one house.

Court was adjourned due to time but the trial will continue tomorrow at 10am as the witness continues to give her testimony and cross-examination.

Zondo is facing charges of 9 counts of rape, defeating the ends of justice, and bribing one of the victims to withdraw the charges with R25 000.

Zondo did however on Monday plead not guilty to all the charges made against him.

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