BBC rejects Busa’s posture that it represents business in SA 

The Black Business Council (BBC) has called on Business Unity South Africa (Busa) to desist from claiming to represent all businesses in the country following its announcement that it will be representing South Africa’s private sector during the Business 20 (B20) summit. 

The summit, set for February next year, brings together business representatives from the G20 countries, selected invited countries and international orga-nisations to discuss economic and business issues. 

The B20 serves as the official G20 dialogue forum with the global business community. 

South Africa assumed the presidency of the G20 andB20 at the beginning of December, taking over from Brazil. 

In a statement welcoming the development, Busa said: “B20 South Africa will focus on unifying efforts across diverse economies. Busa will represent South Africa’s private sector in the B20 and will lead B20 South Africa in 2025.” 

Busa describes itself as “the apex business organisation representing South African business” which is “the formally recognised representative of business at the National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac)”. 

However, Busa’s claim that it will represent SA’s private sector in the B20 has irked Kganki Matabane, CEO of the BBC, which defines itself as “the over-arching confederation that represents black professionals and business”. 

“This is a unilate-ral and unacceptable behaviour that perpetuates the exclusion of the black majority.  

“Busa, whom we engaged privately on this matter, knows very well that they don’t represent black business, women and youth-owned businesses, businesses owned by persons with disabilities, as well as micro, small, and medium enterprises,” charged Matabane. 

Matabane called on Pre-si–dent Cyril Ramaphosa to intervene in the matter, stating that no orga–nisation can claim to represent SA without the government’s blessing. 

The National African Federated Chamber of Commerce (Nafcoc) has also raised concerns on what it claims to be manipulative tactics used by Busa. 

Nafcoc president Gilbert Musena said: “Busa … buys black leadership to represent the interests of white business. They are not going to represent us in that B20.”  

Busa spokesperson Sizwe Maswanganye said: “Busa does not claim to represent all of business, but we are the largest business organisation in SA…  

“Busa proactively began working on the B20 when we started engaging with Confederação Nacional da Indústria, the largest business organisation in Brazil, which hosted the B20 this year.  

“We have dedicated substantial time, resources, and capacity to position SA to host the B20. 

“There should be no confusion. Busa is not representing SA but rather hosting the B20 as the largest business organisation in South Africa…”  

Maswanganye said Busa had briefed Matabane on developments and will invite the BBC and other representatives of business in the country to take part. 

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