BLF calls on SA government to stop harassing Bushiri

The Black First Land First ( BLF)  has called on South African government to refrain from harassing prophet Shepherd Bushiri.

Bushiri  and his wife Mary, who were arrested for  money laundering and fraud involving a forex scheme in which his congregants lost R102 million,  skipped the country a fortnight ago after being released on bail.

In a statement released on Tuesday, November 24,  BLF Deputy President Zanele Lwana, said SA government was waging a vendetta against Bushiri.

The BLF’s statement came after three warrants of arrests were issued against Bushiri on Friday, November 19 by the Pretoria Magistrate’s Court after three women opened cases of rape against Major 1, as Bushiri is fondly known.

“It is clear to all fair minded people that the South African government has waged a vendetta against prophet Bushiri. The government of South Africa is not interested in the rule of law. It’s interested in tarnishing the name of the prophet.

The latest media driven negative propaganda against Major 1 is a desperate attempt to remove focus from the clear and legal demands made by prophet Bushiri to come and answer the charges against him. It’s clear that the South African government has no case against the prophet, hence the manufacturing of charges and feeding the media frenzy in an attempt to conduct a trial by media,” Lwana said.

She added that Bushiri would never receive a fair trial in South Africa under the Ramaphosa administration.

“Stellenbosch is threatened by the prophet hence the persecution we see.

Black First Land First (BLF) calls on the South African government to stop the persecution of prophet Bushiri and meet his demands to ensure his right to a fair trial and safety.

It is clear that South Africa is under white control and black people who are not controlled by white power and are able to stand on their own are destroyed,” she said


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