Charmza: SAPS

Charmza SAPS

The SAPS hardly gets the credit it deserves in cracking cases. But these charmzas have done some important work.

This time, the men and women in blue debunked the myth of white genocide and politically motivated murders of white farmers with the arrest of Anelle de Bruin, who is accused of plotting to kill her husband in a staged “farm attack”.  

The moegoe was arrested after police were tipped off that she had sought the services of a hitman to kill her 56-year-old husband.  

Her arrest must have rattled rightwing organisations that are going around claiming white farmers are being slaughtered en masse by government mandate.  

Thanks to you SAPS charmzas for exposing this big lie with your superb detective work.  

And by the way, this is not the first such case to be exposed by these chramzas. 

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