Claims of looting, purging of DUT staff play out in the open

A Sunday World investigation has uncovered an atmosphere of fear and allegations of collusion and looting at the KwaZulu-Natal-based Durban University of Technology (DUT).

Other startling allegations are made against the institution’s head, professor Thandwa Zizwe Mthembu, that he is untouchable and victimises those he considers his opponents.

Several whistleblowers pointed fingers at the university council for aiding and abetting Mthembu’s alleged clandestine operation and wayward behaviour.

According to whistleblowers to spoke to Sunday World, Mthembu’s alleged reign of terror has led to key academic and senior managers leaving the institution in droves.

Long suspensions

“Since he took over, he has been on this crusade and cleansing drive, placing senior staff members on long suspensions with the hope to frustrate and coerce them into resigning,” said one whistleblower who declined to be identified, noting that revealing his identity would jeopardise his case with the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA).

“The university has lost millions paying suspended staff without any charges being put to them.

“Some staff members have been suspended for over a year without being taken to disciplinary hearing on full pay.”

The whistleblower also explained that despite the suspended staff members receiving their monthly salaries while languishing at home, the institution spends more money employing new staff on acting capacity and allegedly paying them handsomely.

“I know of a department head who was suspended on trumped-up charges for two years with her full salary and benefits. The CCMA ruled in her favour and she had to go back to her job.”

‘Unjustifiable contract’

In a confidential document seen by Sunday World and meant for the university’s anti-corruption and whistleblowing unit, a whistleblower claimed that Mthembu was unduly offered an unjustifiable second-term contract as DUT’s vice-chancellor.

Said the whistleblower: “The vice-chancellor has been paid exorbitant performance bonuses sanctioned by the chair of council even before the approval of a performance management system policy.

“It must also be investigated how the vice-chancellor was given a seven-year rollover contract at an exorbitant and unjustifiable package.”

Other allegations levelled against Mthembu include the doctoring of a bogus report which reached the conclusion that he should be assigned bodyguards because his life was under threat.

“The vice-chancellor appointed bodyguards via a company known as Wise Training. The costs of the bodyguards were over R1-million, which warrants an open tender process, but it wasn’t followed,” according to another whistleblower.

“Even the report which reached a conclusion that he should be assigned bodyguards, is questionable.”

Irregular appointments

Irregular appointments to key positions are some of the allegations cited by the whistleblowers, who also pointed out that various infrastructure projects have gone beyond schedule because funds have disappeared.

“The management has requested authorisation of council to borrow more money so that the projects can be completed.”

Some council members who are believed to have questioned the shenanigans playing out at the institution allegedly resigned in protest.

The university did not respond to Sunday World’s questions in detail, but said the allegations are made by disgruntled people who are not happy with the institution’s progress under Mthembu.

“DUT has taken note of the allegations raised by your sources. None of the allegations that you raise were lodged with Whistleblowers (Pty) Ltd,” said the university in a statement.

“In our opinion, these false accusations are aligned to disgruntled people who are unhappy with the progress, growth and transformation that is taking place at DUT.”

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