Controversial tycoon Nzuzo Njilo makes prison his home … again

Controversial businessman Nzuzo Njilo has been arrested again for another fraud case in Durban.

Njilo spent a week in police custody after his arrest shortly after an appearance at the Port Shepstone magistrate’s court last week.

He is charged for a business fraud amounting to R1.5-million, which was allegedly committed between January and June this year.

Police spokesperson Colonel Robert Netshiunda said Nzuzo Njilo is expected to appear at the Durban magistrate’s court on Thursday.

“Durban Central police have arrested a 27-year-old man in connection with a case of fraud which reportedly occurred at business premises between 30 January 2023 and 20 July 2023,” said Netshiunda.

“It is alleged that a man purchased a product from a suspect and was not satisfied with the quality of the product.

“Reports indicate that the victim was promised another product but it was not delivered.” 

Another court matter on the roll

Sunday World understands that Nzuzo Njilo was arrested shortly after his appearance for another matter where he is accused of allegedly defrauding another business person.

Njilo and his co-accused, Kwanda Ntshangase, appeared before the Port Shepstone magistrate’s court on Wednesday last week and the matter was postponed to November 22 because their legal representatives failed to arrive in court.

The controversial businessman and his accomplice are accused of allegedly defrauding a woman of R500 000 in a botched truck sale in 2022.

The duo allegedly defrauded the woman by selling her a truck in 2021 but failed to deliver the vehicle. They each face a charge of fraud linked to the dodgy sale.

In May, Njilo made headlines after police posted his picture on social media as a wanted man accused of defrauding a unsuspecting buyer during the sale.

Nzuzo Njilo and Ntshangase handed themselves over to police and were held in police custody before receiving bail of R30 000 and R3 000, respectively.

Disintegration of marriage

More than a week ago, Sunday World reported that reality TV icon Faith Nketsi had revealed shocking details why she lost faith in Nzuzo Njilo, her husband.

Nketsi alleged that Njilo defrauded her just after the two walked down the aisle in a wedding of cosmic proportions in Katlehong, east of Johannesburg on April 9 2022.

Nketsi dropped the bombshell when she informed her associates about the rationale behind the disintegration of her marriage to the fraud-accused Njilo.

Relating her ordeal, Nketsi said Njilo sold her vehicle, whose make and model she did not disclose, and failed to account for what he did with the money.

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