Factional battles rock AmaMpondo kingdom

Factional battles at the AmaMpondo kingdom are heating up as both factions in the royal family prepare to unveil each side’s successor to the late King of AmaMpondo, Zanozuko Sigcau.

The 47-year-old King Sigcau passed away after a short illness in May, throwing the royal family into succession tumoil. His kingship was subject to litigation at the time of his death.

King Sigcau ascended the throne after the ruling of the Nhlapho Commission in 2010, but the house of King Mpondombini Sigcau, who was at the throne at the time, challenged the findings of the commission and lost at the high court.

After the high court ruling, President Cyril Ramaphosa issued the certificate of recognition in 2018, paving the way for Sigcau to be crowned the king of AmaMpondo in 2019.

However, the Supreme Court of Appeals (SCA) last week set aside the findings of the Nhlapho Commission and Sigcau’s kingship.

But the royal house under Queen Nobandla Sigcau, who was appointed as the regent after the death of her son, the late king, said it will appeal the ruling to the Constitutional Court.

Dr Ntsizakalo Ngalo, spokesperson for the royal kingdom, said the appeal was informed by the current legal team, saying the late King Sigcau did not file opposing papers at the SCA.

In another development, Prince Siyolisi, the late king’s son, has returned to the royal palace amid speculation that he will be unveiled as the successor to his father.

However, another faction that refers to itself as AmaFaku royal family has also called for its own parallel meeting where it is expected to also announce the next king.

The two factions have been back and forth in court since the death of King Sigcau with the AmaFaku royal family declaring that it is the legitimate structure that should pronounce on the regent.

The faction has since appointed its own candidate, Prince Dumelani Sigcau, as the regent, after the royal palace appointed Queen Nobandla. AmaFaku went to court on urgent basis to challenge Queen Nobandla but the matter was struck off the roll.

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