Husband found with body of Free State magistrate in boot of car

The lifeless body of the missing regional court magistrate Mamello Thamae was on Saturday found in the boot of the car of her husband, Lehlohonolo Maketoane, at a guest house in Lesotho.

He has since been detained in Lesotho awaiting extradition back into South Africa. He faces possible charges of kidnapping and murder.

Police had launched a manhunt for the couple, who went missing from Heilbron, in the Free State, on Friday.

Police spokesperson Captain Loraine Earle said on Thursday the 40-year-old magistrate had arrived at her home in Heilbron and the following morning, her car had left the premises at around 4am. 

Earle said the cellphone and clothes of the husband, Maketoane, were missing, while Thamae’s clothes and cellphone were found in the house.

After police appealed for information to find the couple and the missing car, the vehicle was traced to Lesotho at a guest house in Mokgotlong.

“The Lesotho Mounted police questioned the husband, who showed them the lifeless body of the wife, which was in the boot of the vehicle. He was detained in Lesotho awaiting extradition back into South Africa to face possible charges of kidnapping and murder, and the investigation continues,” said Earle.

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