Letoya meets her first lesbian lover

A fear of homophobic reaction made them careful

Former Generations: The Legacy actress Letoya Makhene has acted her way into her first lesbian relationship with Joburg businesswoman Lebo Keswa.

So serious is the relationship that the two lovebirds have already consummated their dalliance and decided to get locked up together in one of Joburg’s posh suburbs during
the 21-day lockdown.

Letoya, who played the feisty Tshidi Phakade in South Africa’s second most-watched soapie, confirmed that she had found her soulmate in Keswa.

The songbird, who is the daughter of legendary musician Blondie Makhene, said she had been sitting on their relationship like a brooding chicken because she was concerned about the public reaction to it.

“My biggest fear was telling my dad and my children that mommy is in love with a woman. I was afraid of hurting them,” she said.

“But as life would have it – they only had good things to say and showed us nothing but love and support. It’s because of my family that I am ready for any negativity that the rest of the world might have towards us.”

The Thongo Lami musician also said she was now free as being with a woman did not mean she needed to feel “beneath my other half” and she could be loving, sexual and spiritual without judgement.

Keswa also confi rmed that she had found the love of her life in Makhene.

She said she had always had a crush on Makhene, noting that she saw an opportunity when the songstress performed at her mother’s 99th birthday celebration in Mohlakeng, west of Joburg on February 15.

She too said they had been hiding their relationship from the public eye as they were not ready for the negativity it would attract.

“We have had to be careful about how we handled social media and each other when we
went to a few public events. It is because we live in a very homophobic world where being your sexual preference still make negative news.

“So, the challenge was the world not allowing us to be who we want to be, said Keswa.

“People who discriminate against the LGBTQI+ must learn to focus on their lives. We don’t owe them any explanation for who we are and don’t pay any attention to negativity, we are focusing on ourselves, families and the difference we can make to society.”


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