Makhadzi explains ‘no show’ that led to North West stadium chaos

North West police have launched a manhunt following the malicious damage to property incident that occurred in the early hours of Friday, December 27 at the Makwassie Stadium.

Reports suggest that attendees of the Annual Fun Games and Music Festival were unhappy when the award-winning muso Makhadzi did not pitch up and fans went on a rampage. The stage and other equipment were burnt down to an estimated value of close to R3-million.


In a statement, Makhadzi explained that she was not paid the balance of the performance fee.

“Makhadzi Entertainment is pleased to announce that Makhadzi has been scheduled to perform at the Kwas London Annual Fun Games and Music Festival. The promoter, Ismael reached out to us for his engagement, and we agreed on a fee of R180 000.

“On November 19, 2024 a contract was provided to the promoter, which specified that a 50% deposit must be received prior to any promotional activities on social media. Additionally, the full payment was required 14 days before the event. 

“Following this agreement, a deposit has been received, along with an extra R3 000 for a promotional video. Unfortunately, the promoter did not reach the agreement as per contract by failing to pay the balance within 14 days agreed,” said Makhadzi.

“Please note that Makhadzi and her travelling team are informed of events only after all payments have been confirmed, in accordance with the terms outlined in the contract. We did not receive the balance within the 14-day period.”

She apologise to “our dedicated fans in Makwasa. We look forward to seeing you soon!”

Investigations continue

Investigations into the incident are underway and no arrest has been effected.

Police have requested anyone who may have information that can assist in the investigation to come forward. They are urged to contact the Station Commander of Makwassie, Capt Bereng Hlasa, on 082 575 8377 or the South African Police Service (SAPS) Crime Stop number: 08600 10111. 

Anonymous tip-offs can also be communicated via the MySAPS App from your smart phone.

Lightning-induced wild fire in the Cape

Meanwhile, a lightning-induced wildfire was detected on Robinson Pass in the Western Cape late last night. It initially burnt with high intensity on the western side of the Pass.

Currently, the area is covered in mist, and the fire line appears broken at this stage.

CapeNature, Oudtshoorn, and Mossel Bay teams are monitoring the fire, which remains active in higher elevations of the mountain. Garden Route District Municipality was to attend to the fire later.

Favourable weather conditions are forecasted for later this afternoon, with an expected 2mm of rain that might help extinguish the wildfire.

Firefighters from Oudtshoorn, Mosselbay and Cape Nature were at the scene and managed to extinguish the fire.

The team went back to Kombuys Farm this morning, December 27, as the fire is still burning that side.

Police thanked all firefighters who have been assisting in fighting these fires. 

Members of the public are urged to report any wildfire immediately to the GRDM Emergency Call Centre at (044) 805-5071 or send a WhatsApp message to 081 709 5193.

A Ford Ranger also was reported to have caught fire due to a mechanical issue on the N4 Schoemanskloof. Thankfully, no injuries were reported.

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