Meyiwa trial: Zungu due back for intense cross-examination

State witness Constable Sizwe Zungu is expected back in the hot seat for cross-examination when the Senzo Meyiwa murder trial resumes on Tuesday morning.

Judge Ratha Mokgoatlheng postponed the proceedings in the afternoon on Monday after the trial got underway in the morning following a two-week postponement.

The defence team had asked for a postponement in order to view photos downloaded from accused number three Mthobisi Mncube’s cellphone.

Zungu previously testified that he had been drinking with all the five accused men at a hostel on the night of the murder, alleging that they were celebrating Meyiwa’s murder.

Defence advocate Zithulele Nxumalo questioned why Zungu failed to arrest anyone on that day.

“Constable, your evidence in chief is to the effect that you had knowledge that Gwabini had used a firearm to shoot at Snakho. Do you confirm that?

“As I’ve already said that the firearm he had used I had knowledge of, but as to how he used that firearm or to whom, that information I was never given,” Zungu responded.

Nxumalo then asked whether it was true that Zungu had referred to accused number four as inkabi (a hitman), to which he responded that he never used the word inkabi.

“Is it also true that you had knowledge that accused number one was involved in drugs?” Nxumalo probed further.

Zungu agreed that he was aware of the accused actions, and added that he heard it from the horse’s mouth.

After asking about the firearm Zungu had alleged to have seen in possession of accused number three, Nxumalo questioned why he did not make any arrest.

Mokgoathleng intervened and asked Nxumalo not to ask the witness incriminating questions.

Zungu did not answer, stating that he does not want to incriminate himself.

Meyiwa was shot and killed in an alleged intrusion at his then-girlfriend Kelly Khumalo’s home in Vosloorus, east of Johannesburg on October 26 2014.

Muzikawukhulelwa Sibiya, Bongani Ntanzi, Mncube Mthokoziseni Maphisa, and Sifisokuhle Ntuli are being tried for the murder of Meyiwa.

They have pleaded not guilty to charges of premeditated murder, attempted murder, robbery with aggravated circumstances, possession of firearms without a licence, and possession of ammunition.

The trial continues…


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