MK Students Movement livid over Turfloop elections disqualification

The Umkhonto we Sizwe Student Movement (MKSM) in Limpopo is livid after it was disqualified from participating in the recent Student’s Representative Council (SRC) elections at the University of Limpopo (UL).

The elections were held at UL’s Turfloop campus on September 9.

According to MKSM provincial convener, Bonginkosi Shongwe, the student movement submitted its election applications five minutes before closing deadline on August 26.

The following day, they were informed that they can no longer participate in the elections due to late submission. They were informed this by electoral body, Kuteno Consulting.

Late application missed deadline

Shongwe said it was unfair for them to be sidelined as a result of alleged late application. He said a slow network connectivity had ostensibly delayed their application.

“Kuteno Consulting has been nothing short of a travesty. This is revealing a shocking lack of independence and transparency that we cannot condone.

“Recent events have shown that Kuteno Consulting is not merely incompetent. But is actively complicit in undermining the democratic process.

“Their susceptibility to external influence raises serious doubts about the integrity of our elections,” Shongwe said.

Electoral body says party never reported any challenges

Kuteno Consulting has dismissed MKSM claims as incorrect. Goodwin Charles Tlhoaele, the body’s chief electoral officer, said MKSM never reported any challenges or difficulties prior to the deadline.

Tlhoaele responded in a letter to the MKSM.  He indicated that the electoral commission did not receive any prior communication from the former. Never indicated any technical dilemma.

“I am writing to you regarding your late submission of nominations forms for the 2024/25 SRC elections. The nomination list of candidates from your organisation was submitted past the deadline. As you are aware, ample time was provided for all student organisations. For them… to prepare and submit their nomination lists within the stipulated period.

Despite this, your organisation did not meet the deadline. Furthermore, we did not receive any prior communication from your organisation indicating any technical difficulties.

“The rules and regulations surrounding the election process are in place to ensure fairness and transparency.

Denied appeal

“It is crucial that all participating organisations adhere to these guidelines to maintain the integrity of the election process. The failure to submit your nomination list on time and through the appropriate channel is a serious matter. It …cannot be overlooked, as it may set a wrong precedent,” wrote Tlhoaele.

Following their disqualification, the MKSM appealed the decision but was unsuccessful.

Shongwe said: “The Kuteno Consultation’s refusal to acknowledge our appeals is a clear indication of their failure to uphold procedural fairness. While they enforce strict deadlines for some, it is evident that they bend or ignore these rules for themselves.”

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